Zëvendëskryeministrja dhe ministrja e punëve të jashtme Maria Gabriel validoi një pullë përkujtimore kushtuar 120 vjetorit të vendosjes së marrëdhënieve diplomatike midis Bullgarisë dhe SHBA-së. Mes pjesëmarrësve në ceremoni ishin ministri i..
Bulgaria’s Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Mari y a Gabriel validated a postage stamp dedicated to the 120th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Bulgaria and the United States. Bulgaria’s..
Bulgaria’s Minister of Agriculture Kiril Vatev met on Tuesday with the United States Ambassador to Bulgaria Kenneth Merten. Minister Vatev and Ambassador Merten discussed the opportunities for expanding the export to the American market of Bulgarian..
Bulgaria has the potential to attract more American tourists. US Ambassador Kenneth Merten and Bulgarian Minister of Tourism Zaritsa Dinkova united around this . "Our country can offer many cultural and natural sights that will arouse the interest..
The strategic North-South and East-West connectivity was discussed at a meeting between Minister of Transport and Communication Georgi Gvozdeykov and US Ambassador to Sofia Kenneth Merten. The two officials agreed that Bulgaria's efforts to..
Le ministre du Transport Guéorgui Gvozdeïkov et l’ambassadeur des Etats-Unis en Bulgarie Kenneth Merten ont abordé la connectivité stratégique Nord-Sud et Est-Ouest lors d’un entretien. Ils ont constaté que les efforts de la Bulgarie d’étendre le..
The strategic partnership between Bulgaria and the USA is stronger than ever, said the new US ambassador Kenneth H. Merten at a lecture organized by the Bulgarian Atlantic Club. He added that strategic security relations are key because democracy is..
Le partenariat stratégique entre la Bulgarie et les États-Unis est plus fort que jamais, a déclaré l'ambassadeur des États-Unis Kenneth Merten qui a donné une conférence au Club atlantique bulgare, ajoutant que les relations stratégiques dans la sécurité..
Noul ambasador al SUA în Bulgaria, Kenneth Merten, va rosti astăzi un discurs inaugural în cadrul unei adunări onorifice la hotelul Balkan din Sofia. Evenimentul este organizat de Clubul Atlantic din Bulgaria și va fi prezidat de președintele acestuia,..
Le nouvel ambassadeur des Etats - Unis en Bulgarie Kenneth Merten prononcera un discours à l’occasion d’une réunion solennelle qui aura lieu dans un hôtel à Sofia. L’événement est organisé par le Club atlantique bulgare et sera animé..