Separatiștii yemeniți au capturat o navă de marfă în Marea Roșie. Potrivit biroului premierului israelian Benjamin Netanyahu, la bordul navei Galaxy Leader nu se află israelieni. Echipajul este internațional, iar căpitanul - bulgar, relatează agenția de..
Yemeni separatists seized a cargo ship in the Red Sea. According to the office of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, there are no Israelis on board the Galaxy Leader . The crew is international and the captain – Bulgarian, the Bulgarian..
“No hay ciudadanos búlgaros entre los funcionarios de la ONU secuestrados en Yemen”, ha anunciado el Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores (MAE) de Bulgaria, precisando que la Embajada búlgara en Riad ha verificado la información y comprobado que..
There are no Bulgarian citizens among the abducted UN officials in Yemen, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said. A statement from the ministry reads that the Bulgarian embassy in Riyadh reported that there were no..
The Bulgarian Government has decided to suspend its diplomatic mission in Sana'a, the Republic of Yemen on January 1, 2020. The situation of insecurity in the country has been hindering the activity of the embassy, it was reported. The temporary..