Eмисия новини
от часа

Results of bank stress tests - crucial for Bulgaria's path to ERM II

At the annual meeting of business with the government in Bulgaria EC Vice-President Valdis Dombrovskis presented positive results of euro area membership to Bulgarian. Dombrovskis has pointed out that cooperation with Bulgarian authorities was very..

29.01.19 18:45 |

PM Borissov: Who is afraid of the introduction of the euro and why?

Adopting the euro in Bulgaria will discipline the banking system and will bring down interest rates , said Prime Minister Boyko Borissov at the 13 th annual meeting between businesses and the government, dedicated to Bulgaria’s entry into the..

29.01.19 12:19 |

Report to assess Bulgaria's progress towards Eurozone's "waiting room"

At the beginning of 2019, a report on the progress of Bulgaria on the road to the euro-zone waiting room - the ERM II Currency Mechanism, will be prepared. This was said by EC Vice president Valdis Dombrovskis in Brussels, where the 20th anniversary of..

04.12.18 14:16 |

Fitch confirm Bulgaria's long-term and short-term credit rating

The Bulgarian Ministry of Finance has reported that Fitch rating agency has confirmed Bulgaria's long-term and short-term credit rating BBB in foreign and domestic currencies with stable prospects. The agency recognizes that the..

17.11.18 11:45 |

Petition for referendum against introduction of euro in Bulgaria collects 220,000 signatures

The Vuzrazhdane ( Revival) non-parliamentary party declared that it had collected more than 220,000 signatures on its petition for holding a referendum against the introduction of the euro in Bulgaria. There are still four days to go until..

19.07.18 12:17 |

IMF: We support Bulgaria’s bid for entering currency mechanism prior to euro introduction

The International Monetary Fund supports Bulgaria's efforts to join the currency mechanism that stands prior to introduction of the euro. This was stated by the Head of Mission of the Fund for Bulgaria Jörg Decressin. He pointed out that joining the..

14.12.17 15:00 |

Banka Popullore Bullgare tashmë do të mund të emetojë kartëmonedha euro

Firma e përbashkët Oberthur Fiduciaire SHA e Bankës Popullore Bullgare dhe kompanisë franceze Oberthur Fiduciaire SAS mori nga Banka Qendrore Evropiane leje për emetimin e kartëmonedhave euro. Mirëpo kjo nuk do të thotë se që nga nesër makinat e..

18.05.17 15:41 |

El Banco Nacional de Bulgaria ya podrá imprimir billetes de euros

La firma mixta Oberthur Fiduciaire S.A., de la que forman parte el Banco Nacional de Bulgaria y la compañía gala Oberthur Fiduciaire SAS ha obtenido del Banco Central Europeo. BCE, la licencia para imprimir billetes de euros. Esto no significa que ya..

18.05.17 12:35 |

50 euro notes with Cyrillic lettering in circulation as of 4 April

The European Central Bank has announced that the new 50 euro banknotes, with the word “euro” written in Cyrillic script enter circulation on 4 April. The banknotes are being replaced so as to reinforce the level of protection against..

31.03.17 12:14 |

Georgi Stoev: Të ardhurat reale të popullsisë shënojnë rritje të konsiderueshme pas aderimit të Bullgarisë në BE

Pas aderimit të Bullgarisë në BE para dhjetë vitesh deri tani ekonomia e vendit u rrit me rreth 74 për qind. Është e rëndësishme të shënohet se inflacioni gjatë kësaj periudhe dhjetëvjeçare është rreth 41 për qind. Domethënë, ekonomia e vendit është..

29.03.17 14:01 |
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