Bullgaria është në zonën e kuqe të hartës epidemike të Covid-19. Dega turistike prapë qëndron para vështirësive serioze. Megjithëkëtë pushimoret malore janë gati të tërheqin turistë me respektim rigoroz të masave antiepidemike. Ndër pushimoret e..
Bulgaria has already entered the Covid-19 red color-code zone. The tourism industry is once again facing serious difficulties. However, the Bulgarian mountain resorts are ready to attract tourists under strict compliance with the..
Ziyaretçileri gerçek zamanlı olarak bildiren Tek Turistik Bilgi Sistemi verilerine göre, yaz aylarında Bulgarlardan daha fazla yabancı turist tatilini Karadeniz tatil beldelerinde geçirdi. En fazla konuk, “Slınçev Bryag” tatil beldesinin de..
Al pie de la montaña de Rila, al suroeste de Bulgaria, no lejos de la ciudad de Sámokov, se puede disfrutar del silencio, el aire cristalino y de una naturaleza intacta por la civilización. Con este fin, en la zona se ha construido un sendero..
Three events dedicated to the metal-ball game – pétanque – are once again bringing together fans and players. The first two are in Sofia – a friendly tournament on 3 October and qualifiers for the European veterans championship on 4 October...
Tres eventos dedicados al juego con boliches, petanca, una vez más vuelven a reunir durante el fin de semana a aficionados y jugadores apasionados. Los primeros dos eventos tienen lugar en la capital búlgara, Sofía: un torneo amistoso (03.10) y..
There is a place located at the foot of Rila Mountain not far from the town of Samokov where one can enjoy crystal clear air, silence and nature, untouched by civilization. For the purpose, a nice eco trail was built in the region. It..
The new outbreaks of coronavirus in Bulgaria can be curbed without resorting to extreme measures such as imposing full quarantine and setting up entry and exit checkpoints, Bulgaria's Chief State Inspector Assoc. Prof. Angel Kunchev told Nova TV..
Në të kaluarën jo të largët qyteti Samokov ka qenë i njohur si një qendër e kulturës, e arsimit dhe e zografëve të njohur. Por, shtytjen kryesore në zhvillimin e tij e dha prodhimi i hekurit, i njohur në rajon nga mesi i mijëvjeçarit të parë para..
The town of Samokov was known as the center of culture, enlightenment and famous icon-painters in the not so distant past. However, the development of this Bulgarian town was mainly boosted by iron ore mining that existed in the region since the middle..