EU-Verhandlungsführer und Europaabgeordnete haben sich auf Regeln für die Füllung europäischer Gasspeicher vor dem Winter geeinigt. Ziel sei es, einen Versorgungspuffer aufzubauen und sich auf mögliche russische Erdgasstopps vorzubereiten,..
The European Parliament has adopted two reports calling on the EU Council to start accession talks with North Macedonia and Albania without delay, especially in the backdrop of the Russian invasion in Ukraine. The report on North..
The Ministry of Health has sent a letter to the European Commission requesting to receive quantities of Covid-19 vaccines tailored to the needs of the population. The ministry say countries should be able to buy the quantities they..
France is ready to support Bulgaria so the country does not lose any defence capabilities until the time it receives the F-16 fighter aircraft from USA, the presidency announced after a telephone conversation between the Presidents of Bulgaria..
As a result of effects of the ongoing war in Ukraine, industrial production in the euro area and across the union contracted sharply in March. However, Bulgaria has witnessed a significant production growth. According to Eurostat data, Bulgaria..
Die Volksversammlung hat den Gesetzesentwurf der Partei „Wasraschdane“ über einen Null-Steuersatz für Grundnahrungsmittel, Medikamente und Energieträger abgelehnt. „Dafür“ waren 73 Abgeordnete, 66 Abgeordnete waren „dagegen“ und 48 Abgeordnete,..
Russland hat Sanktionen gegen 31 Unternehmen verhängt, die am Handel, Transport und der Speicherung von russischem Erdgas in der EU, Großbritannien, den Vereinigten Staaten und der Schweiz beteiligt sind. Unter ihnen ist auch das bulgarische..
US President Joe Biden has signed the Ukraine Democracy Land Lease Act of 2022. This will allow the U.S. to fund Ukraine's defense against Russian aggression without administrative delay. The act is similar to the Lend Lease Act signed by..
The meeting of the diplomats from the EU's 27 member states in Brussels, which discussed plans for a possible oil embargo against Russia, ended without result. They failed to reach agreement on the implementation of a new package of..
There is no official response to Bulgaria’s request to be excluded from the embargo on the imports of Russian oil to the EU, Radoslav Ribarski, chair of the National Assembly’s energy committee and MP from We Continue the Change party, one of..