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Bulgaria reports progress in work on recovery plan

The European Commission have given high assessment to the constructive co-operation with the government of PM Kiril Petkov and reported good progress in Bulgaria's Recovery and Resilience Plan, according to the press service of the..

19.03.22 13:05 |
Bulgarian Foreign Minister Teodora Genchovska (centre in the blue suit) held a working breakfast for the ambassadors of the EU and NATO member states in Sofia.

Foreign Minister Genchovska: Bulgarian foreign policy priorities remain unchanged

The EU and NATO are united as never before, Foreign Minister Teodora Genchovska told the ambassadors of the EU and NATO countries in Bulgaria. At a working breakfast in Sofia today, Genchovska pointed out that Bulgaria's foreign policy priorities..

17.03.22 17:09 |

Les priorités bulgares sur le plan international restent inchangées

L'UE et l'OTAN sont plus unies que jamais, a déclaré la ministre des Affaires étrangères Théodora Guentchovska. Lors d'un petit déjeuner d'affaires, Guentchovska a souligné que les priorités de la Bulgarie liées à la politique étrangère restent..

17.03.22 16:41 |

Bulgarien mit unveränderten außenpolitischen Prioritäten

Die EU und die NATO seien vereint wie nie zuvor, unterstrich Außenministerin Teodora Gentchowska vor EU- und NATO-Botschaftern. Bei einem Arbeitsfrühstück betonte sie, dass die außenpolitischen Prioritäten Bulgariens im Kontext der aktuellen dramatischen..

17.03.22 16:38 |
Nadeschda Nejnski

Ex-Außenministerin Nejnski: Bulgarien müsse seine Verteidigung überdenken

„Bulgariens Verteidigung und Souveränität können nur mittels der NATO erreicht werden.“ Das erklärte die ehemalige Außenministerin Nadeschda Nejnski in einem Interview für den Fernsehsender Nova TV. Ihrer Meinung nach bedeutet die Schließung des..

17.03.22 10:34 |

Laura Kövesi: We investigate over 120 cases of embezzlement of EU funds in Bulgaria

The European Prosecutor's Office has received a record number of complaints from Bulgaria and has already started investigating more than 120 cases, European Chief Prosecutor Laura Kövesi said after meeting with Bulgarian Prime Minister Kiril Petkov in..

16.03.22 16:59 |

PM Kiril Petkov: We are sending hundreds of millions to Putin because of the MiGs

"MiG-29 fighters cannot be repaired in Russia and it is a ludicrous idea to send the machines there through some secondary companies," Prime Minister Kiril Petkov, who inspected the Ruse border checkpoint for the initial reception of refugees from..

15.03.22 19:07 |
Assen Wassilew

Bulgarien will Wärmekraftwerke nicht schließen

„Im Maritza-Kohlebecken werden weiterhin Kapazitäten von 1.600 Megawatt betrieben. Bulgarien plant nicht, Wärmekraftwerke wegen des Wiederaufbau- und Nachhaltigkeitsplans und des Green Deal der EU zu schließen “, sagte der stellvertretende..

11.03.22 13:24 |

PM Kiril Petkov to call for EU financial support over war in Ukraine

At a meeting of EU leaders in Versailles, Bulgarian Prime Minister Kiril Petkov is to insist on financial support from European partners to all countries close to the war in Ukraine. " We first need to see that there is..

10.03.22 19:40 |

Bulgaria starts work on implementation of its Recovery Plan on March 15

The technical approval of the Recovery and Resillience Plan is expected on March 15, after which the assignment of projects can begin, Minister of Finance and Deputy Prime Minister Assen Vassilev said. He confirmed that according to the document, only..

10.03.22 17:44 |
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