Schengen bölgesine tam üye olan Bulgaristan (6,5 milyon nüfus) ve Romanya (19 milyon nüfus) için önemli ekonomik faydalar bekleniyor . France Press (AFP) tarafından yapılan araştırma sonuçları, GSYİH’nın her iki ülkede en az yüzde 1 oranında büyüme..
Significant economic benefits are expected for Bulgaria (population 6.5 million) and Romania (19 million), which have become full members of the Schengen area. According to estimates, GDP is likely to grow by at least 1% in both..
El 1 de enero por decimosexta vez la fortaleza de Tsatervets en Veliko Tarnovo recibió su primer turista. Esta es la única reserva arquitectónica y museística en el país que trabaja durante todo el año y es el muso al aire libre más visitado en..
After Bulgaria's full entry into Schengen, the National Revenue Agency is strengthening control over goods with high fiscal risk. The checks will be carried out in the country and at the places of unloading of goods for which the..
Caretaker Prime Minister Dimitar Glavchev was welcomed today at the "Kulata" border checkpoint on Bulgaria’s border with Greece with bread, salt, honey and wishes for a healthy and prosperous year. He went there to check the new..
Suivant une tradition bulgare, le premier ministre intérimaire Dimitar Glavtchev a été accueilli avec du pain, du sel et du miel au poste-frontière "Kulata" à la frontière entre la Bulgarie et la Grèce. Il s’y est rendu pour s’assurer de la bonne..
Le gouvernement intérimaire de Dimitar Glavtchev vient de publier son rapport d’activité qui fait état d’un travail ciblé visant à mener à bien l’adhésion de la Bulgarie à l’espace Schengen en tant que membre à part entière, un objectif que la..
The caretaker cabinet of Dimitar Glavchev has published a report on its work. It is pointed out that the cabinet has worked purposefully to finalize the process of full Schengen membership and Bulgaria has met this goal. Thanks to..
A minuit pile, le ministre de l'intérieur Athanas Ilkov et son homologue roumain, Marian Cătălin Predoiu ont levé symboliquement la dernière barrière à la frontière entre les deux pays, une façon de marquer l'adhésion à part entière des deux pays à..
Exactly at midnight on January 1, with a symbolic lifting of the border barrier, Minister of Interior of Bulgaria Atanas Ilkov and his Romanian counterpart Cătălin Predoiu marked the beginning of the full membership of the two..