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30,000 people brave cold and rain to hear Andrea Bocelli at Vasil Levski Stadium in Sofia

Nearly 30,000 people applauded Andrea Bocelli as he celebrated the 30th anniversary of his career in Sofia on Saturday night, September 14.  The audience braved the rainy weather to attend the Italian tenor's two-hour performance at the Vasil..

15.09.24 12:31 |

30.000 de oameni au înfruntat frigul și ploaia pentru a-l asculta pe Andrea Bocelli pe stadionul Vasil Levski din Sofia

Aproape 30.000 de persoane l-au aplaudat pe Andrea Bocelli în timp ce acesta își sărbătorea cea de-a 30-a aniversare a carierei la Sofia, sâmbătă seara, 14 septembrie. Publicul a înfruntat vremea ploioasă pentru a asista la spectacolul de două ore al..

15.09.24 12:00 |

Gara din Plovdiv devine locul de desfășurare al unui concert curios

Gara Centrală din Plovdiv va găzdui formațiile populare X-R@Y și Wikeda pentru un concert gratuit pe 14 septembrie. De asemenea, publicul va avea ocazia să vadă două grupuri folclorice - Ravneț și Klimentina. Acesta este cel de-al treilea eveniment din..

13.09.24 18:30 |

Plovdiv Railway Station becomes the venue for a curious concert

Plovdiv Central Railway Station will host the popular bands X-R@Y and Wikeda for a free concert on September 14.  The public will also have the opportunity to see two folklore groups - Ravnets and Klimentina . This is the third event of the..

13.09.24 08:40 |

Ostava celebrate their birthday with a concert and their newest song Mona Lisa

The band Ostava has made something of a tradition out of celebrating its birthday in September with a concert at Maimunarnika in Sofia. This year the concert will be on Wednesday, 11 September. And at that concert Ostava will perform their..

10.09.24 07:45 |

Ed Sheeran with first concert in Bulgaria

British pop star Ed Sheeran is to having a concert at Vasil Levski national stadium in Sofia on 31 August, as part of his + - = ÷ x (Mathematics) tour, with special guest star Calum Scott. Bulgarian pop singer Mihaela Fileva has been..

29.08.24 16:22 |

Un "Forum folklore" aura lieu à Bourgas

A la grande joie des amateurs de la musique traditionnelle, le concert "Forum folklore" se tiendra ce 27 août dans le Jardin maritime à Bourgas. Le public aura l’occasion de découvrir des chants et des danses de la Bulgarie, la Roumanie et la..

27.08.24 08:45 |

Polyphony of voices - the a cappella concerts of Spectrum Vocal Band and the Canadian duo FreePlay

The five musicians of Spectrum Vocal Band are among those who continue to amaze us with the vast capabilities of human voices. Ivelina Tsoneva, Vesela Morova, Konstantin Beykov, Yanko Yankov and Daniel Nikolov have experience as participants in..

13.08.24 13:38 |

Fanii se adună pentru concertul lui Lenny Kravitz din Burgas

Peste 12 000 de fani sunt așteptați la concertul lui Lenny Kravitz din Burgas. Evenimentul de la Gara Marină din orașul de la Marea Neagră face parte din turneul Blue Electric Light al cântărețului american de rock. Câștigătorul a 4 premii Grammy vine la..

06.08.24 09:30 |

More than 12,000 music fans are expected to attend the concert of Lenny Kravitz in Burgas

More than 12,000 music fans are expected to attend the concert of Lenny Kravitz in Burgas. The event at the Marine Station in the coastal city is part of the American rock singer’s Blue Electric Light Tour. The four-time Grammy award winner is..

06.08.24 06:05 |
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