Protests to defend nature in Bulgaria are being organized tonight by environmental organizations throughout the country. Environmentalists are protesting against the amendments to the Biological Diversity Act which are to be discussed by..
Two-thirds of the ocean area and three-quarters of the land have undergone significant changes as a result of human activity. Between 2010 and 2015 a total of 32 million hectares of forests had vanished. Within the next ten years, one out of four..
According to an order by Prime Minister Boyko Borissov, Slaveya Stoyanova has been appointed Deputy Minister of Environment and Water. She has taken the position of Krassimir Zhivkov, who was released due to the affair with the imported waste from..
Bulgaria’s Minister of Environment and Water Neno Dimov met in Skopje with the newly appointed Minister of Environment and Physical Planning of the Republic of North Macedonia Naser Nuredini. Ministers Dimov and Nuredini discussed the future joint work..
The coalition of NGOs and citizens’ groups “For the nature in Bulgaria” are demanding the resignation of Minister of Environment and Water Neno Dimov over his “inability to provide protection to the environment along the Black Sea..
Two Bulgarian start-up companies won EC awards for outstanding contribution towards protecting and improving the environment in the “blue” (water) category and the “green” category. The winner in the green category was awarded for its technology for..
Bulgaria is one of the few European countries that can show off not only beautiful scenery but also rare animal and plant species that have long vanished in other parts of the Old Continent. Because of its geographical location, Bulgaria has..
On April 10 and 11th, Sofia hosts the informal meeting of EU Ministers of Environment. During the forum, 19 ministers and more than 40 delegations will be exchanging views on environmental protection, possible solutions aimed at improving air quality,..
Environmentalists have organized a symbolic action in front of the building of the Council of Ministers in Sofia. They brought jars containing fresh air from Pirin, accompanied by letters to the prime minister and ministers, despite the fact the..
A new gondola lift over Bansko would be built only after the municipality presented a development plan and it passed through public discussion and environmental assessment, Bulgarian Minister of Environment and Water, Neno Dimov, said at a briefing with..