Eмисия новини
от часа

El árbol de Navidad búlgaro vuelve a brillar en el Museo de la Ciencia y la Industria de Chicago

El Museo de la Ciencia y la Industria de Chicago es uno de los mayores en el mundo, con más de 35.000 objetos expuestos. Este año se cumplen 8 décadas del comienzo de una hermosa tradición allí: la decoración de árboles de Navidad y cada año el..

10.12.22 10:15 |

Confederation of Bulgarian Cultural Organizations and Activists Abroad organizes Bulgarian Book Fair in Chicago

The Confederation of Bulgarian Cultural Organizations and Activists Abroad organizes a Bulgarian Book Fair in Chicago. It will be held on November 5 and 6 at the Bulgarica Cultural Center.  Six Bulgarian publishing houses will take part at the..

05.11.22 09:56 |

A charity campaign in support of a school in Pernik united Bulgarians living in the USA

Bulgarians living in Chicago and originally from the town of Pernik raised $4,000 to help the 8th elementary school "Krakra Pernishki" in the town near Sofia renovate its gym so that students can play sports in winter. The funds, transferred from the US..

22.10.22 12:40 |

Wohltätigkeitsveranstaltung zugunsten einer Grundschule in Pernik vereint in den USA lebende Bulgaren

Aus Pernik stammende Bulgaren, die in Chicago leben, sammelten 4.000 US-Dollar, um der 8. Grundschule „Krakra Pernischki“ in der Stadt nahe der Hauptstadt Sofia zu helfen. Die Schule muss dringend ihre Turnhalle renovieren, damit die Schüler auch..

22.10.22 10:25 |

Una acción benéfica en favor de una escuela de Pernik une a búlgaros que viven en los EE.UU.

Ciudadanos de Pernik que viven en Chicago recaudaron 4.000 dólares en favor de la escuela primaria "Krakra Pernishki" que se encuentra en esta ciudad próxima a Sofía. La escuela debe renovar urgentemente su actual gimnasio para que los alumnos..

22.10.22 10:10 |

Vasil Vasilev – Zueka’nın ‘Benim Dünyam’ sergisi Chicago’da açılıyor

Son yıllarda ressam olarak kendini gösteren Bulgar tiyatro ve sinema artisti ve TV sunucusu Vasil Vasilev Zueka’nın 33 tablosu Chicago’da sergilenecek. "Benim Dünyam" konulu tablo sergisi 12-13 Ekim günlerinde kentin ‘Magura’ kültür merkezine..

10.10.22 12:39 |

Exhibition in Chicago of works by Bulgarian artists from USA

An exhibition by Bulgarian artists Yordan Ivanov, Kiril Manasiev and Vassilen Vasevski has opened in Chicago. Yordan Ivanov is from New Orleans, Kiril Manasiev and Vassilen Vasevski both live and work in Chicago. The audience seems to be..

10.10.22 10:55 |
Wahllokal in Christchurch, Neuseeland

Bulgarische Staatsbürger üben ihr Wahlrecht weltweit in 62 Ländern aus

Die Parlamentswahlen für die Bulgaren im Ausland begann in Neuseeland und Australien um 7 Uhr Ortszeit (21 Uhr OEZ am 1. Oktober). Die wahlberechtigten bulgarischen Staatsbürger im Ausland können in insgesamt 755 Wahllokalen in 62 Ländern von..

02.10.22 10:14 |

Bulgarians abroad vote at 755 polling stations in 62 countries

The early Parliamentary elections for Bulgarians abroad started with the opening of the polling stations in New Zealand and Australia  at 7 am local time (21 pm Bulgarian time on October 1).  A total of 755 polling stations were created in 62..

02.10.22 09:59 |

Bulgarians in Chicago hold first Bulgarian parade dedicated to May 24

10 Bulgarian Sunday schools from the Chicago area, 20 cultural and educational organizations, teachers and students from Bulgarian schools in Indianapolis, Indiana, children and adults dressed in Bulgarian national costumes carrying Bulgarian flags,..

23.05.22 11:23 |
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