Bulgaristan’ın New York Başkonsolosluğu, “Bulgaristan’ın Ulusal Bayramı, New York’ta ABD’nin ilk parkı Bowling Green’de Wall Street yakınında amblematik Bronz Boğa heykeli yanında Bulgaristan bağrağının göndere çekilmesi ile kutlanacak” diye..
At the beginning of December this year, as Christmas fast approaches, the most widely translated Bulgarian author Georgi Gospodinov gave the start to his “small personal campaign” – Gift a book for Christmas . For 15 years, the author of Natural..
This year marks 300 years since the birth of one of the first enlighteners – monk and man of letters Paisius of Hilendar, and 260 since he wrote one of the most significant works of the Bulgarian Middle Ages – Slavonic-Bulgarian history . Three..
İlk F-16 BLOCK 70 avcı uçakları sözleşmesine ilişkin iki karara istinaden New York’da ABD Merkez Bankası’nda hesap açıldı. Bu kararlar 2021 ve 2022 yıllarında önceki hükümetler tarafından alındı, ancak Parlamentoların ömürleri kısa olduğundan..
L’Occident essaye de faire renaître le modèle unipolaire sous le slogan « ordre fondé sur des règles », crée des « lignes rouges » sur la base d’une confrontation de blocs, mène une politique irréfléchie d’élargissement de l’OTAN à l’Est, tout en..
Until 19 February, 2023, the Institute for the Study of the Ancient World in New York is hosting the exhibition First Kings of Europe . The exhibition opened on 21 September under the motto The Ancient Balkans and Beyond . The artifacts on show..
Eine bulgarische Regierungsdelegation unter Leitung des geschäftsführenden Außenministers Nikolaj Milkow nimmt in New York an der 77. Sitzung der UN-Generalversammlung teil. Am ersten Tag nahm die bulgarische Delegation am Gipfeltreffen zur..
The Bulgarian government delegation led by caretaker Foreign Minister Nikolay Milkov , is in New York to participate in the 77th session of the UN General Assembly , the Foreign Ministry said on Tuesday. The delegation took part in Monday’s..
Au sommaire de notre programme : - Les actualités du jour, suivies d’un point météo et - La chanson du jour - « New York – le rêve du trio Arrow Arrow est un trio auquel participent de très jeunes musiciens,..
Arrow – так называется трио, которое состоит из молодых музыкантов, воспитанников Национального музыкального училища им. Любомира Пипкова. Валерия Василенко – вокалистка группы, пианистка, дочь известных педагогов и исполнителей, которая все же решила..