Eмисия новини
от 12.00 часа

Bulgarians aged 40 to 49 are the most studious

P eople between 40 and 49 years of age are the most active participants in vocational trainings (34%), according to a study commissioned by the National Agency for Vocational Education and Training. People aged 30 to 39..

08.05.21 13:02 |

European Public Prosecutor's Office rejects two more Bulgarian candidates for delegated prosecutors

The European Public Prosecutor's Office (EPPO) has rejected two more Bulgarian candidates for European Delegated Prosecutors because they did not meet the necessary criteria. EPPO appointed one candidate - Veronika Trifonova. In this way only four out of..

07.05.21 16:26 |
Olivér Várhelyi

EU calls on North Macedonia and Bulgaria to reach agreement

Olivér Várhelyi, Neighbourhood and Enlargement Commissioner stated that  North Macedonia must reach agreement with Bulgaria if it wants to start accession negotiations with the EU. He intimated further that unless agreement between Skopje and Sofia..

05.05.21 11:17 |

Brussels receives signal over intervention in work of “Anti-Mafia Commission”

European People's Party MEP Andrey Novakov insists that the European Parliament's Committee on Budgetary Control check the bill proposed by the Democratic Bulgaria party, which interfered in the activities of the Counter-Corruption..

28.04.21 14:13 |

Recovery plan could be presented until 2022

EU Member States will be able to present their national recovery plans in Brussels by 2022. The postponement was announced a few days ago, outgoing Deputy Prime Minister Tomislav Donchev said. The Bulgarian plan is expected to be..

27.04.21 17:34 |
Georgi Ganew

Es besteht kein Hindernis für die Regierung, den Wiederaufbauplan an die EU zu senden

Es liegt an der Regierung zu entscheiden, ob der Plan zur Erholung Bulgariens von der Pandemie an die Europäische Kommission geschickt oder nach dem 30. April verschoben wird. Seine Entsendung ist nicht vom Moratorium betroffen, das das Parlament..

27.04.21 12:51 |
Admiral Emil Eftimov (R) and General Claudio Graziano after their meeting

Bulgaria and EU discuss situation in Black Sea region

“We have been seeing a growing number of risks and threats to European order and security, as well as a tendency towards an increase in conflicts in immediate proximity to the EU borders,” Chief of the Defence Admiral Emil Eftimov said after a..

22.04.21 17:20 |
Dimitar Zantschew

Bulgarien will von Nordmazedonien Einhaltung des Nachbarschaftsvertrags

Vor dem Rat „Allgemeine Angelegenheiten“ der Europäischen Union äußerte der bulgarische Botschafter Dimitar Zantschew, dass Sofia die Politik der EU-Erweiterung bei Einhaltung aller Kriterien unterstütze. „ Wir unterstützen die Integration..

21.04.21 10:09 |
Dimiter Tzanchev

Bulgaria wants North Macedonia to observe Good Neighbour Agreement

At the EU General Affairs Council, Bulgaria’s ambassador Dimiter Tzanchev stated that Bulgaria supports the EU enlargement policy in strict compliance with all criteria. “We support the integration of Albania and North Macedonia but, unfortunately,..

21.04.21 09:43 |

Bulgarien EU-weit auf 3. Platz in puncto Verkehrstote

Nach Angaben der Europäischen Kommission liegt Bulgarien in Bezug auf den Rückgang von Todesfällen im Straßenverkehr im Jahr 2020 im Vergleich zu 2019 an erster Stelle in der EU. Die Zahl der Verkehrstoten ist  um 26 Prozent zurückgegangen ...

20.04.21 18:43 |
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