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от 15.00 часа

Manna honey festival opens in Tsarevo on the Black Sea

As of 1 August, Bulgaria’s seaside town of Tsarevo is hosting the most delicious festival, dedicated to manna honey , that is so typical of Strandzha. Beekeepers from all over the country are presenting an incredible array of beekeeping..

31.07.21 10:30 |

Eco-friendly catamaran offers tourist rides in Burgas Bay

A brand new catamaran was transported, by land, from the shipyard in Tsarevo to Port Burgas, to be presented for the first time on 18 May as part of the official programme marking the 118 th anniversary of the creation of Port Burgas. In the..

20.05.21 10:17 |

Fish Festival in Tsarevo prepares culinary surprises

For the 10 th time in a row Tsarevo Municipality will host its traditional Tsarevo Fish Fest on September 6 , inviting its numerous guests to try the most delicious seafood that the Bulgarian Black Sea coast can offer. The festival has become an emblem..

06.09.20 05:10 |

Festival de la Pesca en Tsarevo prepara sorpresas culinarias

Por décima vez consecutiva el Ayuntamiento de Tsarevo alegrará a los turistas con fresca sopa de pescado, ostras y muchos otros platos de marisco. El 6 de septiembre el tradicional Festival del Pescado de Tsarevo ofrecerá a sus visitantes la..

06.09.20 05:05 |

Tsarevo'da Balık festivali

Tsarevo Belediyesi onuncu kez turistleri leziz taze balık çorbası, midye ve  başka deniz mahsulüyle doyuracak. 6 Eylül'de, geleneksel "Tsarevo balık festivali" düzenleniyor. Bulgaristan'ın Karadeniz kıyılarının sunabileceği en lezzetli deniz ürünlerini..

06.09.20 04:35 |

Güney Karadeniz’de turist artışı kaydedildi

Bu sezon turist sayısında düşüşün kaydedilmesine rağmen, Karadeniz'in en güneyindeki Tsarevo belediyesinde yüzde 20 oranında büyüme var. Belediye başkanı Georgi Lapçev, BNR'ye verdiği demeçte oteller ve tatil tesislerinin yüzde 100 dolu olduğunu ve..

14.08.20 18:08 |

Bulgaria reports increase in number of tourists along southern Black Sea coast

The number of guests visiting the southernmost municipality of Tsarevo increased by 20%, although there are fewer tourists in Bulgaria during this year’s summer season. Hotels and other accommodation facilities are functioning at full capacity , the..

14.08.20 17:28 |

Karadeniz bölgesinde umuma açık 99 mekanda Covid-19 önlemleri denetlendi

BNR Burgas Radyosu, Bulgartistan Gıda Güvenliği Ajansı müfettişlerinin, Güney Karadeniz bölgesinde 99 yemek mekanı ve satış yerini denetlediğini duyurdu. Turizm sezonunun en aktif döneminde müfettişlerinin denetim odağında  Covid-19 önlemlerinin..

06.08.20 18:59 |

More about nestinari and fire dancing - a first-person story

Fire-dancing is an ancient custom performed by a closed community of “nestinari” and it has been shrouded in mystery and mysticism for centuries. In 2009, the ritual was included in the UNESCO List of Intangible Cultural Heritage and in the National..

03.06.20 07:05 |

New cycling lane along Black Sea coast to connect Lozenets and Tsarevo

The future seaside garden of the resort of Lozenets will be connected with the Black Sea town of Tsarevo. This is what the mayor of Tsarevo municipality Georgi Lapchev told the Bulgarian National Radio. These were our long-term plans which we have..

30.12.19 12:00 |
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