Nën moton “Të gjithë së bashku për sportin”, Ministria e Rinisë dhe Sportit organizon Javën Evropiane të Sportit #BeActive nga 23 deri më 30 shtator. Programi i veprimtarisë përfshin nisma të shumta për promovimin e sporteve aktive, përmirësimin e..
This morning in front of the Vasil Levski National Stadium in Sofia will be the start of the second edition of the Sofia Bike Relay. The cyclists will ride a four-kilometer route along central streets and boulevards. A team race with company..
Campionul mondial de înot Peter Mițin a obținut o medalie de argint la Campionatele Mondiale de juniori de la Netanya, Israel. El a ocupat locul al doilea în proba de 800 de metri liber, terminând cu timpul de 7:49.36. Șaizeci și una de sutimi l-au..
Bulgarian Gergana Topalova qualified for the final of the doubles tennis tournament in Oldenzaal, the Netherlands , with a prize fund of 40 thousand dollars. Gergana , together with Daniela Vismane (Latvia) turned the game around and defeated Maria..
Bulgarian Gergana Topalova qualified for the final of the doubles tennis tournament in Oldenzaal, the Netherlands , with a prize fund of 40 thousand dollars. Gergana , together with Daniela Vismane (Latvia) turned the game around and defeated Maria..
Tsvetomir Malinov and Ivan Yankulov have finished 5th at the U23 men's pair final of the 2023 European Rowing Under 23 Championships in Krefeld (Germany). Malinov and Yankulov, who finished 6th at the 2023 World Rowing Under 23 Championships in..
The first playoff match for entering the group stage of the Conference League between Levski and Eintracht Frankfurt ended 1:1. In the 6th minute, the guests took the lead after a shot by Randal Kolo Muani. The hosts had an excellent..
Bulgarian competitor Yoana Georgieva has advanced to the second semi-final of the Canoe Sprint World Championships in Duisburg, Germany, which started on Wednesday and continues until August 27. Yoana won the third race with a time of..
Le ministère du Sport introduit pour la première fois un système de primes pour les jeunes athlètes de la catégorie junior. Ainsi, les lauréats des championnats du monde et d’Europe de sports olympiques auront droit à des récompenses financières. Ces..
With changes in the regulation of the Ministry of Youth and Sports, for the first time, the awarding of young athletes from the first age group before men and women is introduced. Thus, they will be able to receive one-time cash prizes for prize..