What they experienced after the devastating earthquakes in Turkey has left a deep impression on the psyche of the rescuers from the Mountain Rescue Service at the Bulgarian Red Cross . Initially, they first passed through Adana, where the scale of..
Es liegen keine Informationen über blockierte bulgarische Touristengruppen vor, die in der Türkei verletzt oder in Not sind. Das sagte Tourismusminister Ilin Dimitrow gegenüber dem Bulgarischen Nationalen Fernsehen BNT und bezog sich dabei auf..
Selon le dernier bilan officiel de l'organisme public de gestion des catastrophes /Afad/, plus de 4300 personnes ont trouvé la mort, dont 3381 en Turquie et près de 1500 en Syrie, au lendemain des violents séismes qui ont ravagé la région. La première..
The first Bulgarian teams of a total of 19 people immediately after their arrival in the Turkish city of Adana left for two destroyed sites , said the Bulgarian ambassador to the country Angel Cholakov, who is also in Adana after the devastating..
Primele echipe bulgare, 19 oameni în total, imediat după ce au ajuns în orașul turc Adana au plecat spre două situri distruse, a declarat ambasadorul bulgar în această țară, Anghel Ciolakov, care se află de asemenea la Adana după cutremurul..
The Bulgarian diplomatic representations in Turkey are in contact with the local authorities. Contact is also maintained with representatives of the local emigrant community, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs reports. According to..
Bulgaristan’ın Türkiye’deki diplomatik temsilcilikleri yerli makamlarla irtibat halinde. Dışişleri Bakanlığı, ayrıca yerli göçmen organizasyonları ile de iletişim halinde olunduğunu paylaştı. Bulgaristan göçmeni Türklere göre,..
Les représentants diplomatiques bulgares en Turquie sont en contact direct avec les autorités locales. Des contacts sont également établis avec la communauté des expatriés, annonce le MAE bulgare. Les autorités locales ont cependant annoncé qu’un..