Udhëheqësi i GERB-it, Bojko Borisov, mohoi se ka pasur presion nga kreu i “DPS-Fillimi i Ri”, Deljan Peevski, i cili u sanksionua sipas Aktit global Magnitsky, për të ardhur në pushtet. Ai shprehu besimin në të ardhmen e qeverisë për shkak të..
DPS-DPS around Ahmed Dogan wants to have its own deputy ministers, regional and deputy regional governors, as well as representatives in the regulators, in order to take political responsibility. This was stated to BNT by the party's MP Ramadan Atalay...
The parliamentary group of DPS-Democracy, Rights and Freedoms, affiliated with Ahmed Dogan declared they were categorically opposed to the appointment of Lyudmila Petkova to the post of director of the Public Financial Inspection Agency (PFIA),..
The SDS (Union of Democratic Forces), GERB's coalition partner, has reservations not only towards the BSP, but also towards "Democracy, Rights and Freedoms" around Ahmed Dogan. According to the leader of the SDS and co-chairman of the GERB-SDS..
Le groupe parlementaire de "Démocratie, droits et libertés" soutiendra le gouvernement de GERB-UFD, "PS-Gauche unie" et "Il y a un tel peuple" lors du vote au parlement en garantissant ainsi la majorité requise. Quelques heures à peine avant la..
The 12th National Conference of the Movement for Rights and Freedoms (DPS) will be held today in Sofia. It is expected that structural changes will be made so that DPS will have only one chairman - Delyan Peevski. It is also expected that the figure..
L’Alliance des droits et des libertés (ADL) formée autour d’Ahmed Dogan soutient fermement la déclaration de PLC-BD qui ont demandé l’instauration d’un "cordon sanitaire" autour de MDL- Nouveau départ, le parti de Délyan Péevski. D’après l’ADL, le..
La Alianza por Derechos y Libertades, liderada por Ahmed Dogan, ha anunciado que apoya firmemente la declaración de Continuamos con el Cambio - Bulgaria Democrática en favor de establecer un cordón sanitario alrededor de la formación de Delyan..
Ahmed Dogan, président honoraire du MDL et tête de deux listes électorales de l’Alliance des droits et des libertés, a déclaré qu’il ne sera pas député de la 51ère Assemblée nationale. "Ma place n’est pas au parlement. J’ai déjà passé trop de temps..
Ahmed Dogan, presidente de honor de la Alianza por Derechos y Libertades y líder de dos listas de esta formación, ha declarado que no asumirá un escaño en la 51ª Asamblea Nacional. "Mi lugar no está en el Parlamento. He pasado demasiado tiempo allí como..