La gente de Bosílegrad y alrededores es educada y amable - sobre todo al decirles que venimos de Bulgaria, nos cuenta el fotógrafo Vihren Gueorguíev, que, junto a tres compañeros suyos, formó parte del plein-air de fotografía que fue organizado en..
“People in Bosilegrad are polite, amiable, warm, especially when they found out we came from Bulgaria,” says photographer Vihren Georgiev. Together with three other photographers, he took part in a photography plein air, organized there with the help..
The MEPs from GERB/SDS have warned European leaders there exist potential black lists of books in Serbia, as well as that a Serbian citizen with Bulgarian national identity was not allowed to bring a book by a Bulgarian poet into the country,..
Timp de 4 ore, autoritățile sârbe de la punctul de trecere a frontierei "Oltomanți"-"Ribarți" nu i-au permis bulgarului Alexander Dimitrov din Bosilegrad să intre în Serbia. Motivul este că acesta avea asupra sa cărți în limba bulgară. Este vorba de trei..
Subtitle: The ruling coalition destabilization is due to various factors, as early elections seem to be the likely way out of the crisis The crisis in the Bulgarian government, which erupted after the coming out of power of one of the..
La crisis en el Gobierno que se ha originado después de la salida del poder de uno de los socios de la coalición, el partido Hay tal Nación, es tema central en Bulgaria en los últimos cinco días. Politólogos y analistas debaten activamente las causas y..
El Festival Pascual Internacional Infantil en Bosilegrad, que ya es un evento tradicional en los antiguos territorios extremo occidentales de Bulgaria que hoy se encuentran en Serbia , espera a participantes, amigos y visitantes de Moldavia, Macedonia..
It has been one month and 10 days since we have been living in the new reality of the war in Ukraine. The extent of the changes is yet to be seen, yet society will have to adapt to them as quickly as it can. Such a transformation will, without..
Bulgaria lleva ya 1 mes con 10 días viviendo en una nueva realidad, que obedece a la guerra en Ucrania. Las escalas de los cambios no están todavía completamente claras pero la sociedad deberá irse adecuando a ellos con la mayor rapidez..
Bulgarians in the so-called Western Outlands are awaiting the results of this year's third parliamentary elections, hoping for the stability and predictability needed by all Bulgrians, no matter where they are. In an interview with Radio Bulgaria,..