O perlă a fost adăugată în repertoriul Operei Naționale Bulgare - baletul "Anna Karenina" al coregrafului croat Leo Mujić. Datorită interesului uriaș după ultima reprezentație de duminică, 9 aprilie, Opera din Sofia a adăugat două reprezentații..
A pearl has been added to the repertoire of the ballet of the Bulgarian National Opera – the ballet “Anna Karenina”. With this year's most important ballet premiere just having triumphantly marched for a second round in April - all performances sold..
Sayılı günler önce Sofya Opera ve Balesi’nden prima balerin Marta Petkova 37’inci yaşgününü hayatta ve sanatta iki yeni rol üstlenerek karşıladı. 2022 ’nin Ekim ayından itibaren balerin Sofya Operası balesinin artistik müdürlüğünü de üstlendi. O..
Days ago the prima ballerina of the National Opera Marta Petkova celebrated her 37th birthday with new roles - both in life and in art. As of October 2022, the star has accepted the post of artistic director of the Sofia Opera Ballet - a..
Die Ballettinszenierung „Anna Karenina“ des überaus erfolgreichen kroatischen Choreographen Leo Mujić, ging im vergangenen Sommer wie ein Meteorit durch den bulgarischen Kulturraum. Das Ballett nach der Musik von Peter Tschaikowski und der Handlung..
"Anna Karenina", the ballet by the enormously successful Croatian choreographer Leo Mujić, shot like a meteorite into the Bulgarian cultural space last summer. The choreography tailored to Piotr Tchaikovsky's music, and based on the eponymous novel..