În lunile de vară „Steagul Albastru/Blue Flag” va flutura pe un număr record de plaje de pe coasta bulgară a Mării Negre – și anume 22, a declarat pentru BTA, Stanimir Georgiev, președintele Mișcării „Steagul Albastru” din Bulgaria...
During the summer months, the "Blue Flag" will be seen on a record number of beaches on the Bulgarian Black Sea coast - as many as 22, Stanimir Georgiev, the chairman of the Bulgarian "Blue Flag" movement, told BTA. The Blue Flag is..
T he Blue Flag eco-label was awarded to 15 Bulgarian beaches in 2020 , including Arkutino, Duni, Sozopol, Pomorie East, Nessebar South, Sveti Vlas, Golden Sands and Albena, the representation of Blue Flag international programme in Bulgaria has..
Thirteen beaches in Bulgaria and one marina have been awarded the world Blue Flag certificate for meeting stringent standards for quality, safety, environmental education and information, the provision of services and general environmental management..