1300 de refugiați din Bulgaria vor fi instruiți în cadrul proiectului Caritas ”Limba bulgară pentru oameni din întreaga lume”. Într-un interviu acordat BNR, coordonatorul proiectului, Maria Teoharova, a subliniat că proiectul se adresează refugiaților..
1,300 refugees in Bulgaria will be trained under the Caritas project "Bulgarian language for people from all over the world". In an interview with BNR, the project's coordinator, Maria Teoharova, pointed out that the project is aimed at refugees who..
A charity bazaar with items made by people who are homeless, children at risk and children with special needs is taking place today in the Catholic church St. Paul of the Cross in Rousse. At the fundraiser, organized by Caritas, visitors will..
On November 19, Caritas Day is celebrated - an initiative in which specialists and volunteers from the Catholic organization give their work and charity to poor people. This year, with the funds from the charity events, durable food products will be..
Hassas gruplara yardım etme konusunda uzun yıllara dayanan deneyime sahip bir kuruluş olan “Caritas”'a bağlı sosyal atölyelerde rengarenk kartpostallar, deri, iplik, kil ve tekstilden yapılmış değişik anmalıklar, hediyelik eşyalar yaratılıyor...
Bulgarian pedagogues, psychologists and volunteers are helping disadvantaged children socialize in the society through Education for Equal Start project. This is a joint initiative of the Austrian Herbert Stepic Central and Eastern Europe Charity..