La deschiderea oficială a sezonului de iarnă în Bansko, ministrul interimar al Turismului Evtim Miloshev a subliniat că Bulgaria are potențialul de a deveni o țară turistică de vârf, în regiune. Miloshev a subliniat că este timpul să înceapă conversația..
At the official opening of the winter season in Bansko, caretaker Minister of Tourism Evtim Miloshev said that Bulgaria has the potential to become a leading tourist country in the region. It is high time the discussion began among all..
Caretaker Minister of Tourism Evtim Miloshev expressed optimism about the winter season, saying he expects a 5% increase in the number of tourist visits. “If all goes well and the if the weather is with us,” he added. 1.3 million tourists are..
Caretaker Minister of Tourism Evtim Miloshev opened the 19 th International Exposition “Cultural Tourism” in Veliko Tarnovo, with the participation of 10 countries as well as 30 Bulgarian municipalities. In his address, Minister Miloshev..
2024 is the best year since tourism statistics have been in existence – revenues, accommodation, number of tourists and tourist registrations, number of border checkpoint crossings, caretaker Minister of Tourism Evtim Miloshev said. Yet resorts..
The 2024 summer season has meant more in every respect – more revenues, tourists, sunny days, even more than the record-high results of 2019, caretaker Minister of Tourism Evtim Miloshev said in an interview with bTV. But there are more problems as..
The episcopal basilica of Philippopolis is a vivid example of how Bulgarian tourism can be assisted, said caretaker Minister of Tourism Evtim Miloshev during a meeting with the President of the America for Bulgaria Foundation Nancy Schiller...
Existe la posibilidad de aumentar los carriles en el paso fronterizo de Durankulak, según ha declarado a Nova TV el ministro interino de Turismo, Evtim Miloshev. Comentó que se trata solo de un plan conceptual, pero que se están manteniendo conversaciones..
Las primeras muestras tomadas a finales de mayo del agua de mar de la costa búlgara del mar Negro antes del inicio de la temporada veraniega demuestran que su calidad es excelente. Así lo declararon en el complejo turístico de Shkorpilovtsi, en la región de..