Η παραθαλάσσια μας πόλη Μπουργκάς θα φιλοξενήσει την πρώτη έκδοση του φεστιβάλ κάμπινγκ Explore The World 2024. Το γεγονός θα λάβει χώρα στις 27 και 28 Απριλίου στον Θαλάσσιο Σταθμό. Στο πρόγραμμά του συμπεριλαμβάνονται παρουσιάσεις διάφορων μοντέλων..
Orașul de pe litoralul Mării Negre, Burgas, va găzdui prima ediție a festivalului de camping Explore The World 2024. Evenimentul, care va avea loc pe 27 și 28 aprilie la Gara Maritimă, se adresează pasionaților entuziaști ai vacanțelor pe roți...
The coastal city of Burgas will host the first edition of the camping festival Explore The World 2024. The event will take place on April 27 and 28 at the Marine Station. It aims to gather in one place all those for whom the home on wheels and..