El inicio de las expediciones científicas búlgaras a la Antártida data de hace 35 años, cuando en la temporada del verano polar de 1987-1988 seis científicos búlgaros participaron en proyectos de la Sociedad Antártica Británica y el Instituto Soviético..
"No one is greater than bread," an old Bulgarian saying goes and these days we have learned that the Antarctic scientists also stick to this ancient wisdom. The unique bilingual book "Antarctic Cuisine", in Bulgarian and English, has already been..
Radio Bullgaria tashmë ju tregoi për muzikantët bullgarë Teodosij Spasov dhe Hristijan Cvjatkov, të cilët realizuan incizimet e para muzikore në Antarktidë . Tani deshëm të përqendrojmë vëmendjen tuaj tek një lajm tjetër interesant që u përket studimeve..
Why don’t polar bears eat penguins? Anybody able to answer this question earns the chance of being selected for the next expedition to Antarctica. In fact, the answer is that polar bears live in the Arctic, and penguins - in Antarctica...