Eмисия новини
от 09.00 часа

Ivan Rilski is the most beloved and revered Bulgarian saint

On October 19, the Bulgarian Orthodox Church honors the memory of the humble hermit from the Rila mountain and heavenly patron of the Bulgarian people and Bulgarian doctors. Called "an earthly angel" and "a heavenly inhabitant" during his lifetime,..

19.10.24 05:15 |

Biserica Ortodoxă Bulgară marchează sărbătoarea Sfântului Ivan Rilski

Pe 18 august, Biserica Ortodoxă Bulgară venerează ziua de prăznuire a Sfântului Ivan Rilski (Ioan de Rila) - una dintre cele mai mari figuri ale Evului Mediu care a influențat întreaga lume ortodoxă răsăriteană. El s-a născut în jurul anului 876 în satul..

18.08.23 15:00 |

The Bulgarian Orthodox Church marks the feast of Saint Ivan Rilski

On August 18, the Bulgarian Orthodox Church venerates the feast day of Saint Ivan Rilski (John of Rila) - one of the greatest figures of the Middle Ages who influenced the entire Eastern Orthodox world.  He was born around 876 in the village of..

18.08.23 13:39 |

The Bulgarian El Camino, the pilgrimage route from Veliko Tarnovo to Rila Monastery, starts on July 1

To go on a pilgrimage to yourself with the help of faith. This adventure – a symbiosis between the spiritual and physical world, human endurance and faith, past and present is not something unknown, especially to us Europeans.  One of the most..

01.07.23 13:25 |

El legado de san Juan de Rila es el camino hacia la unión de los búlgaros

En vísperas de la festividad del protector celestial de Bulgaria, san Juan de Rila, cientos de cristianos ortodoxos se dirigen al monasterio fundado por él en el corazón de la montaña Rila para presenciar las misas vespertinas y matutinas. Por..

19.10.22 10:53 |
Szandra Miskedi, Director of the Hungarian Cultural Institute in Sofia

Feast of St. Ivan Rilski is also marked as Day of Bulgarian-Hungarian friendship

For the fifth year, October 19 is celebrated as the Day of Bulgarian-Hungarian Friendship. The two nations have always maintained good relations over the years, which has given the opportunity for active cultural exchange between our countries,..

19.10.21 11:16 |
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