Caretaker Minister of Transport and Communications Krasimira Stoyanova met in Sofia with the Ambassador of Ukraine to Bulgaria, Olesya Ilashchuk. The two discussed ensuring the smooth movement of Ukrainian cargo to the EU via the Solidarity..
Hub-ul educațional ucrainean din Bulgaria a marcat sfârșitul celui de-al doilea an școlar. Reamintim că centrul oferă instruire pe tot parcursul zilei și, deși există două schimburi în doar 10 camere, elevii îl frecventează zilnic și cu mare dorință...
Bulgaria will assist Ukraine in the process of rebuilding its energy infrastructure. This was announced after a meeting between Bulgaria’s Energy Minister Vladimir Malinov and Ukraine’s ambassador to Bulgaria Olesya Ilashchuk. “Deepening..
Bulgaria is preparing new measures aimed at assisting the full integration of the Ukrainian refugees in this country. “They should feel protected, but also fully accepted in this country,” said Minister of Labour and Social Policy Ivanka..
"Bulgaria stands firmly behind the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine", caretaker Minister of Defence Dimitar Stoyanov said during a meeting with the newly-appointed Ambassador of Ukraine to Sofia Olesya Ilashchuk. Minister Stoyanov..
The new ambassadors to Bulgaria of the United States Kenneth Merten, Ukraine Olesya Ilashchuk, Georgia Otar Berdzenishvili and Cuba Marietta Garcia presented their credentials to President Rumen Radev. Amb. Mertens underscored that the US and..
Der bulgarische Staatspräsident Rumen Radew wird dem Botschafter der Ukraine in unserem Land Vitali Moskalenko den Orden „Reiter von Madara“ erster Stufe, verleihen , teilt das Präsidentenpresseamt mit. Die staatliche Auszeichnung wird Moskalenko am..