A partir de 2025, 9 quartiers de Sofia ne pourront plus se chauffer au charbon ou au bois dans des immeubles qui sont raccordés au chauffage urbain ou au gaz de ville. L'annonce a été faite par Nadejda Bobtchéva, adjointe au maire, à l'inauguration de la..
Pre-trial proceedings have been initiated in the case of the pollution of the Devinska River, which is being monitored by the District Prosecutor's Office in Smolyan, the Appellate Prosecutor's Office in Plovdiv said. The pollution was caused by an..
Любопитна и странна изложба се открива в галерия „Контраст“ тази вечер. Заглавието е Pollution. Идеята е на известния ни художник Греди Асса, който представя живопис, а Елена Филипчева свои колажи. Освен тях в изложбата участват и Ина Асса с моден проект и..
In Bulgaria there are still problems with the implementation of EU environmental legislation, a report by the European Commission published on Monday shows. According to the report, air pollution in urban areas, waste water treatment and preservation..