Slovenia will hold a referendum in 2024 on whether to build a second nuclear power unit to replace the existing first unit at its only Krško nuclear power plant at the end of its extended lifetime in 2043. The decision was taken at a meeting hosted by..
Astăzi, președintele Adunării Naționale, Rosen Jeliazkov, efectuează o vizită de lucru în Republica Macedonia de Nord, la invitația președintelui Adunării Republicii Macedonia de Nord, Talat Xhaferi. Programul lui Jeliazkov include o vizită la..
Heute weilt Parlamentspräsident Rossen Scheljaskow auf Einladung seines nordmazedonischen Amtskollegen Talat Xhaferi zu einer Arbeitsvisite in der Republik Nordmazedonien. Auf dem Programm von Scheljaskow steht unter anderem ein Besuch der..
El presidente de la Asamblea Nacional de Bulgaria, Rosen Zhelyazkov, se encuentra hoy de visita de trabajo en la República de Macedonia del Norte, por invitación del presidente del Parlamento de Macedonia del Norte, Talat Xhaferi. El programa de..
Le parlement à Skopje a lancé les débats sur les amendements à la Constitution de la Macédoine du Nord demandées par la Bulgarie. La procédure fait suite au vote de la Commission aux affaires constitutionnelles qui a confirmé la nécessité..
The Bulgarian members of the Joint Historical Commission under the Good Neighbourliness Treaty between Bulgaria and North Macedonia have presented the results achieved by the Commission to the Ministries of Education and Foreign Affairs . The clauses in..
Kryetarja e Kuvendit Popullor Cveta Karajançeva, e cila ishte e pranishme në ratifikimin e Protokollit për aderimin e Maqedonisë së Veriut në NATO , deklaroi se Bullgaria edhe në të ardhmen do të përkrahë Maqedoninë e Veriut sa i përket..
Bulgaria’s Premier Boyko Borissov met in Sofia with the President of the National Assembly of the Republic of North Macedonia Talat Xhaferi who visited Bulgaria to attend the ratification of the protocol on the accession of North Macedonia to NATO...
Bulgaria’s Premier Boyko Borissov expects that the National Assemblies of Bulgaria and Macedonia will give priority to the good neighbor agreement, it became clear after Premier Borissov’s meeting in Skopje with the Chairman of the National Assembly..