La cultura y las tradiciones autóctonas búlgaras, que hasta hace poco parecían exóticas para el resto del mundo, se están convirtiendo poco a poco en parte de la cultura mundial del siglo XXI. Después de que la lyutenitsa búlgara y la..
The Alma Mater Gallery opened its doors to present the works of graduate students from the St. Kliment Ohridski University in Sofia who had earned a one-year cholarship in the Central Hindi Institute in Agra over the last 15 years. The..
The forthcoming total solar eclipse termed by some the Great American Eclipse will be on 21 August 2017 and will for sure remain in the history of world astronomy. The reasons: first, this will be the first total sun eclipse for the last 38 years..
El “6 fest” es una festival internacional de artes urbanas y felicidad que, apoyándose en la vigorosa tradición carnavalesca y humorística de Gábrovo, se propone convertir la ciudad en un espacio propicio para artes urbanas de carácter carnavalesco,..
6fest is the name of the international festival for urban art and happiness which will be held in the period May 19 – 21 across the streets of Gabrovo. Acrobats, fires, living statues, jugglers on stilts and carnival characters will turn the..
Speaking about successful education programs there are always discussions between proponents of traditional methods and those who count on new systems, hoping that knowledge can be presented in more interesting ways and that knowledge..
Cada vez que se hacen referencias a programas docentes de éxito se desatan siempre polémicas entre los partidarios de lo tradicional y quienes apuestan por las ideas y métodos nuevos por esperar que los conocimientos se puedan impartir de manera..
To take a picture of what’s invisible and to repair a building this way – it sounds as abstract as Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance. However, students from the Sofia High School of Mathematics have proven that it is all possible. They..
What connects archeology, astronomy and ecology? The answer to this question takes us to a territory where our national pride as Bulgarians can thrive. There is no need to go to NASA, CERN or Harvard to feel proud as a Bulgarian: it suffices to..
¿Cuál es el vínculo entre la arqueología, la astronomía y la ecología? La respuesta nos lleva a un territorio capaz de restituirnos por completo nuestro elevado estado de ánimo nacional. No es necesario que uno esté en la NASA, en CERN ni Harvard para..
Në ekspozitën-konferencë High Security Printing EMEA-2025 në Bazel të Zvicrës, karta bullgare e identitetit fitoi vendin e parë për kartën më të mirë të..
Adriana Bojaxhieva solli medaljen e parë të artë për Bullgarinë nga Kampionati Evropian i Karatesë për të rinj në qytetin polak Bielsko-Biala. Në finalen e..
Thellimi i partneritetit strategjik midis SHBA-së dhe Bullgarisë duhet të jetë një prioritet kryesor për qeveritë tona të reja, tha kryeministri Rosen..