According to Eurobarometer data, the involvement of young people in volunteer activities, organizations or elections has gone up in recent years. More than half of young Europeans say education and the acquisition of skills is a top priority...
An exhibition dedicated to the future of technologies and artificial intelligence meets in Bulgaria’s capital Sofia inventors, researchers and entrepreneurs from start-up companies with heads of the world’s leading tech-giants who are ready to..
May 1 reminds us of the bold strike of US trade unions in 1886, when more than 300,000 workers requested an 8-hour work day. On this date in Bulgaria and in many countries around the world, the workers' movement merits for state protection of..
Erected in honor and for the glorification of St. Ivan Rilski, the heavenly protector of Bulgaria, the monastery near the village of German is one of the attractive places for meeting Easter in Bulgaria. In bright days like today, the monastery..
Lazarus Saturday is the first of three major Christian feasts linked to the miracle of Resurrection and is followed by Palm Sunday and Easter. It is marked on the Saturday preceding the Holy Week. Lazarus Saturday or Lazarovden in Bulgarian bears..
The essence of electricity theft has changed significantly in recent years. The devices used to measure electricity consumption have advanced rapidly in technological aspect and now it is very difficult for the ordinary citizens to manipulate..
World-famous filmmaker Wim Wenders has recently paid a visit to Sofia as ambassador of the SaferInternet4EU campaign. The director spent more than two hours with the students of Second English Language School "Thomas Jefferson" in Sofia,..
When we doubt the adequacy of values in life, when sadness overwhelms and faith in a better future is shaken, then we feel the need to go back to the pure and unadulterated source of wisdom and hope. We find it in the memory of our national heroes..
The European Trade Union Institute published a comparative report on labour in the EU in 2018, the focus being on salaries over the past 10 years. As seen in the report, Bulgaria holds the record in real average wage growth for the..
A small water snake and big photography skills. That is what helped Todor Dimitrov from Varna take a unique photograph that earned him first place in the prestigious Our World Underwater 2019 Photography and Videography Competition in..
Festa ortodokse për nder të Shën Trifonit kremtohet më 1 shkurt sipas stilit të ri. Në kalendarin folklorik kjo festë përbën një cikël prej 3..
Një kontingjent i përbashkët oficerësh nga Bullgaria, Austria, Rumania dhe Hungaria do të përforcojnë sigurinë në kufirin bullgaro-turk nga 3 shkurti,..
Vidhen thesaret kombëtare të Rumanisë nga një muze në Holandë Tre byzylykë ari dhe një përkrenare e paçmuar nga ekspozita rumune "Dacia!..