The environmentalists from Greenpeace Bulgaria, who organized several days ago an environmental forum in Sofia, focused their attention on Europe’s addiction to pesticides. The participants concluded that the farmers who use..
Sofia hosted the 5th ASEM (Asia-Europe Meeting) Labour and Employment Ministers' Conference on the topic of: Towards Sustainable Social Development in Asia and Europe: A joint Vision for Decent Work and Social Protection. The..
He is a citizen of Vienna who is an artist and musician and who moved his home and business to Sofia. A number of Bulgarians may be amazed by this fact and ask what could Sofia provide in comparison to the city of waltz. The connection between..
Two young authors are launching an exhibition dedicated to animals that throws a bridge between scientific illustrations and figurines. Illustrator Milena Radeva and sculptor Ilia Boyarov are presenting their Animalia as a 3D encyclopedia of 25..
Some of the most famous names in mountain running and climbing will be attending the Challenge Days festival opening in Sofia on 1 December. The festival is dedicated to extreme sports, the environment and alternative tourism. The idea to..
Bulgaria has a history of more than 13 centuries in Europe and its traditions ought to be handed over to the generations to come. No wonder then that for the enthusiasts from the Association for Development of Arts and Crafts..
Tutrakan has been a fishing community since time immemorial. The good conditions for catching delicious fish in the Danube and the surrounding marshes have always helped people here earn their living. Archaeological finds indicate that fishing..
Europe cannot accept all the refugees who are rushing to it and it must stop the policy of saying “Welcome” in order to cope with the external pressures. For this purpose, specific measures are needed for the exchange of experience and..
Europa no puede acoger a todos los refugiados que se han encaminado hacia el continente y debe cancelar la política de dar bienvenida y hacer invitaciones para poder hacer frente a la presión externa. Con este fin, hacen falta medidas concretas para..
Últimamente en los medios de comunicación con frecuencia se habla del autismo. Se afirma que los pequeños autistas son geniales en algunos ámbitos pero en Bulgaria con frecuencia a los niños con tales problemas ni se les diagnostica correctamente. No..
Ndër vendet anëtare të Bashkimit Evropian, Bullgaria ka pagën minimale më të ulët në janar - 551 euro. Sipas të dhënave të Eurostat-it, më e larta është në..
Ndërsa dimri e ngrin natyrën jashtë, të fshehura në strehëzat e tyre, të mbrojtura nga i ftohti dhe kërcënimet jashtë, breshkat flenë gjumin e tyre..
Ata kanë mbi tre mijë shfaqje muzikore. Këngët e tyre "Rruga e gjatë për në shtëpi" dhe "Luledielli" janë përfshirë në disa tekste shkollore të muzikës..