Programi i ditës

author: Gergana Mancheva

Rebellious Srednogorie starts from Bulgaria’s Bunovo

Much can be said about the little village of Bunovo that cannot go unnoticed in the upper part of the Galabets Area in the Balkan Mountain. The oldest road across the Balkan Mountain used to go through this village. The beautiful view from the..

13.10.14 15:11 |

Workers and employers in Bulgaria caught in vicious circle of problems

Statistics showed that in the past years of economic crisis the number of accidents and deaths on the job in Bulgaria has been declining. For 2013, however, the Social Ministry pointed out that the number of occupational fatalities was once again..

08.10.14 14:47 |

Chelopech – the golden village of Bulgaria

The Bulgarian village of Chelopech is known with the fact that the biggest gold mine in this country is situated there. When one enters the village the first thing they see is the mine that is impressive with its modern looks. It provides..

04.10.14 10:10 |

Bulgaria registers growing wave of refugees from Syria

A new and even bigger wave of refugees has been pouring into Bulgaria over past months. More than 100 illegal immigrants, mostly from Syria, were detained in Sofia over the weekend. According to the State Agency for Refugees the number of refugees..

30.09.14 11:39 |

Calidoscopio balcánico

El Papa ha señalado a Albania como ejemplo de armonía entre las religiones Durante su primera visita a un país europeo, el papa Francisco ha viajó a Albania con el fin de fomentar la convivencia entre las diferentes religiones y conmemorar el..

26.09.14 13:19 |

Revista de prensa

El déficit del Presupuesto Público superará el 3% del PIB de Bulgaria hacia finales del corriente. Son cálculos del Gobierno Interino a que se remite el diario Trud aclarando que, según las normas de la UE, se llegaría a un hiper déficit. La edición hace..

25.09.14 12:11 |

Revista de prensa

Las candentes noticias en torno a Tsvetan Vasilev, el accionista mayoritario del Banco Comercial Corporativo, declarado en quiebra, siguen presentes en primera plana de la prensa nacional. Los diarios informan que Vasilev está considerando la posibilidad..

19.09.14 11:42 |

Bulgaria’s population melts down, ethnical structure changes, too

The census of the Bulgarian population in 2011 confirmed the sociological forecasts which point to a constant process of depopulation in this country. All indicators are negative, Bulgarian sociologists say and make grim forecasts about 2050, when, if..

15.09.14 13:07 |

New European rules for calculating Bulgaria’s GDP

Following recommendations by the European Commission, in September the National Statistical Institute of Bulgaria will start including revenues from underground activities when calculating GDP. Since 2010, a number of underground activities have..

04.09.14 14:17 |
The replica of the first bicycle ever ridden in Bulgaria made by Geno Arabadjiata

Bicycle and barbells among the oldest exhibits at Museum of Sports in Sofia

The history of Bulgarian sports goes back a long way – suffice it to take a look at the sports equipment and the dozens of trophies won by renowned Bulgarian competitors on show at the Museum of Sports in Sofia. Katya..

11.08.14 15:17 |