People from the towns along the River Danube have grown accustomed to seeing the participants in one of the world’s oldest rowing tourist tours - Tour International Danubien - in summer. The international tourist regatta along the Danube has..
Once upon a time, the best tobacco in Bulgaria was said to have been produced in the Eastern Rhodopes, in the vicinity of the town of Ardino. This tobacco was of the most aromatic oriental variety and was mainly used for export. It was much sought..
Astăzi, în cadrul unei sesiuni extraordinare a parlamentului, deputații vor discuta în primă lectură amendamentele la Codul Penal (CC) și la Legea privind protecția împotriva violenței domestice (LPDV). Reamintim că joia trecută, membrii comisiei juridice..
At an extraordinary sitting today, the members of parliament will discuss, at first reading, amendments to the Criminal Code and the Protection Against Domestic Violence Act. Last Thursday, the members of the National Assembly’s Legal Affairs..
Every year during the summer holidays, children from Bulgarian families living abroad come back to this country. Many of them do not speak Bulgarian and have difficulty understanding the language. Many of the families are multicultural and in them..
Many photographs, including those taken from a bird's eye view, of depopulated villages, which served as the terrain for the construction of some of the water reservoirs in Bulgaria, are presented in the "Submerged Heritage" exhibition. It has been..
We may not know how many Bulgarians there are living in London, but they must run to tens of thousands because every time the amateur comedy company “The Bulgarians” put on a show, the hall is full. It was founded by enthusiasts, Bulgarian expats,..
The government approved the draft of the state budget for 2023 which has to be endorsed by the National Assembly by the end of July. However, its basic parameters dashed the hopes of any pay raises, particularly in key sectors that are underfinanced...
At first glance nothing unusual – a foreigner visits Bulgaria, meets his partner here, and decides to stay. That is how, exactly 30 years ago, a businessman from Armenia came to Bulgaria for a week, after which his life took a completely different..
Ka një vazhdimësi mes emigracionit të vjetër dhe atij të ri bullgar nëpër botë, dhe pavarësisht nëse janë në Afrikë, Amerikë Jugore, Azi apo Amerikën e Veriut, bashkatdhetarët tanë janë konsoliduar rreth shkollave të tyre dhe shoqërive që krijojnë..
Parlamentoda basın açıklaması yapan “Demokrasi, Hak ve Özgürlükler -DPS” Meclis Grubu Başkanı Cevdet Çakırov, “Demokrasi, Hak ve Özgürlükler –DPS,..
Euractivhaberine göre Ukrayna Parlamentosu, Bulgaristan’dan Rus yapımı iki nükleer reaktörün satın alınmasını onayladı . Yüksek Rada Enerji..
Yeni Başbakan Yardımcısı ve Ulaştırma Bakanı Grozdan Karacov , Ulusal Demiryolu Altyapı Şirketi Başkanı Stoyan Stoyanov’un ve Bulgaristan..