Incluso en tiempos de medidas extraordinarias contra una amenaza que aleja físicamente a las personas, el verdadero artista no se encierra en sí mismo, sino que abre sus sentidos aún más para explorar el mundo a su alrededor. Así, muy de prisa,..
Even in times of extraordinary measures against a threat that puts people away from each other, a true creative personality would not stay home, but would rather open their senses even more to explore the surrounding world. Thus, "at a fast..
The town of Pernik (southwest Bulgaria) has been under a water regime since November 18, 2019. According to the latest schedule, water supply has been restricted to ten hours a day. The water level of Studena dam which supplies the..
“On the way to the sea we spent a wonderful day in Sliven, known as the city of the hundred voivodes. One of the most interesting places we visited there was the late antique and medieval fortress Touida."- this is probably how a tourist would..
Caves used to bethe shelter and first home of the “cavemen” who inhabited the present-day lands of Bulgaria thousands of years ago. To this day, rock formations are important for science and progress of mankind. In the caves, new deposits of..
Competir con uno mismo es un objetivo mayor que competir con los demás, esta es la fórmula de desarrollo a la cual se atienen los funcionarios en muchas compañías mundiales que tienen representaciones en Bulgaria. Subir la escalera en el mundo..
Hisarya is a year-round resort thanks to its climate, mineral springs and archeological sites, which are very well preserved. Here you can see the best preserved fortress wall in Europe and Roman baths, where mineral water is still flowing..
La ciudad de Hisarya es un centro turístico que se puede visitar durante todo el año. Esto se debe al buen clima, las fuentes curativas de agua mineral y los lugares de interés arqueológico que están muy bien conservados. Aquí se puede ver la muralla..
Competing with yourself is a bigger goal than competing with everyone else - this is the development formula employees in many global companies that have offices in Bulgaria follow. Growing up in business but at the same time being responsible..
Una de las más importantes instituciones en la vida de las personas del pequeño pueblo de Strelcha es su casa de lectura. Fundada en 1871, está entre las primeras entidades de cultura e ilustración que aparecieron en Bulgaria antes de la..
Sağlık Bakanlığı'ndan yapılan açıklamaya göre, grip salgını ilan edilen illere üç yeni il eklendi. Haskovo ve Vidin’in ardından 21-27 Ocak..
Maliye Bakanı Temenujka Petkova’nın görüştüğü Avrupa Kurumları temsilcilerine göre, Bulgaristan avroya geçiş yolunda gerekli ilerlemeyi kaydediyor ...
Avrupa milletvekilleri Elena Yoncheva ve Taner Kabilov , artık Avrupa Parlamentosu’ndaki “ Avrupa’yı Yenile ” grubunun üyesi değiller . Yoncheva..