World-famous filmmaker Wim Wenders has recently paid a visit to Sofia as ambassador of the SaferInternet4EU campaign. The director spent more than two hours with the students of Second English Language School "Thomas Jefferson" in Sofia,..
When we doubt the adequacy of values in life, when sadness overwhelms and faith in a better future is shaken, then we feel the need to go back to the pure and unadulterated source of wisdom and hope. We find it in the memory of our national heroes..
The European Trade Union Institute published a comparative report on labour in the EU in 2018, the focus being on salaries over the past 10 years. As seen in the report, Bulgaria holds the record in real average wage growth for the..
A small water snake and big photography skills. That is what helped Todor Dimitrov from Varna take a unique photograph that earned him first place in the prestigious Our World Underwater 2019 Photography and Videography Competition in..
The first studies of Bulgarian caves were carried out nearly 100 years ago. Academician Ivan Buresh made the first study of cave fauna back in 1922 when he served as Director of the Royal Museum. The first Bulgarian speleology society..
Leading goals in trade union work include better incomes for European workers and limiting company austerity policies that have led groups of workers to the brink of poverty. The 18th annual conference of the European Capitals Trade..
The idea of performing the first transplantation in Bulgaria emerged spontaneously, during a medical report, one morning back in 1964. Four years later in Alexandrovska Hospital the first successful kidney transplant was performed in this..
Viticulture and winemaking is not reserved for men only. However, not many people are able to produce a true elixir with EU certificate for organic product, to cultivate 30 hectares of vineyards located in some of Bulgaria’s cleanest areas part of..
“For Bulgarians, the Danube has always had more to do with the heart than the mind. Conquerors, revolutionaries, merchants, emigrants have all sailed in its waters… There is so much to rediscover in Danubian Bulgaria… We set out from..
“Guardians of tradition” is often a definition of the people in town and villages who invest their energy and talent in order to keep the spirit of our people alive. Self-taught and amateur artists are people who, united in non-professional..
Sağlık Bakanlığı'ndan yapılan açıklamaya göre, grip salgını ilan edilen illere üç yeni il eklendi. Haskovo ve Vidin’in ardından 21-27 Ocak..
Cumhurbaşkanı Rumen Radev , yeni seçilen ABD Başkanı Donald Trump'ın yemin törenine ilişkin Bansko'da gazetecilere konuşurken “Bulgaristan..
Bulgaristan uzun bir siyasi uykudan uyandı- altıncısı düzenlenen erken genel seçimden 81 gün sonra Halk Meclisi ülkenin 105. hükümetini seçti. 125..