The 18th World Festival of Animated Film takes place in Varna until 11 September. Films from around the world with diverse dramaturgical approaches and animation techniques have been selected for participation by the selection committee. The screenings are at Varna Festival and Congress Centre.
The festival also features accompanying events. There will be 3 exhibitions of cartoon drawings, posters by Ivan Veselinov and sculptures by Vera Doneva. Film panoramas of New Bulgarian University will be shown.
Once again, a children's animation workshop will be organized, where participants will be able to try to make their first films.
The 38th edition of the Cinemania (Kinomania) Film Festival will kick off in Hall 1 of the National Palace of Culture in Sofia tonight, November 13. The cinematic panorama opens with the newest feature film by director Milko Lazarov, Tarika ,..
The 38th edition of Cinemania ( Kinomania ) starts in Hall 1 of the National Palace of Culture in Sofia. The festival opens on November 13 with a premiere of the film "Tarika". After its successes around the world and the completely..
Bulgarians from 18 countries, 34 schools abroad, and 8 Bulgarian lecturers from universities abroad are the participants in the first year of the "Untold Stories of the Bulgarians" National Program, which seeks out little-known facts..
The Bulgarian film "Tarika" , directed by Milko Lazarov, won the Best Film award in the international competition category at the 30th Kolkata..
Bulgarian actress Maria Bakalova has appeared on the cover of Vogue CS . ‘’ One of my biggest dreams just came true. I’m so overexcited to share with..
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