Podcast in English

author: Vessela Krasteva

The first Bulgarian school in Edinburg

First Bulgarian school in Edinburgh brings together friends of Bulgaria on its tenth anniversary

Scotland is known as "The Land of the Brave" and recognized as the "Homeland of the Bagpipe". An instrument that carries the soul of Bulgarian folklore in its sound. According to unofficial data, the "brave" Bulgarians who are building a life in this..

21.03.25 10:46 |
Scene from the documentary Artists for Children

Bulgarian cinema in focus at the 29th edition of the International Sofia Film Fest

"Shhhh... It's time for cinema" - this is the motto for the next two weeks as Sofia becomes the cinema capital of Europe . The 29th edition of the largest cinema forum in the Balkans - the International Sofia Film Fest (SFF) opens tonight in Hall No. 1..

13.03.25 12:00 |
Scene from the film

Music in the spotlight at Cinemania - the oldest film panorama in Bulgaria

The 38th edition of the Cinemania (Kinomania) Film Festival will kick off in Hall 1 of the National Palace of Culture in Sofia tonight, November 13.  The cinematic panorama opens with the newest feature film by director Milko Lazarov, Tarika ,..

13.11.24 11:47 |

Le peintre Roumen Statkov entraîne son public dans une nouvelle "Danse"

Artiste et philosophe à la fois, Roumen Statkov est un créateur qui aime autant raconter des histoires en couleurs qu’écouter celles qui se dessinent en mélodies. Il a récemment inauguré sa dernière exposition, intitulée "Danse", à la galerie"Nirvana"..

10.11.24 11:30 |
Rumen Statkov's Samodivi

Bulgarian artist Rumen Statkov in a new "Dance" with his audience

He is an artist as well as a philosopher. He likes to tell stories in colours, but also listen to them in melodies. He is Rumen Statkov and just a few days ago, on October 17, he presented his latest exhibition entitled "Dance" at the Nirvana gallery in..

22.10.24 12:40 |
Photo: Bulgarian school Rose Valley in London

396 Bulgarian schools around the world open doors for the new school year

More than 32,000 Bulgarian children in 43 countries on 6 continents will be heading for the 396 Bulgarian Sunday schools around the world registered for the school year 2024-2025. More than 2,000 teachers will be teaching them to read and write in..

16.09.24 06:54 |

Scientists and linguists in Tsaribrod recalled stories of remarkable Bulgarians in Serbia

The International Scientific Forum "Cultural Bridges: the Stories of Remarkable Bulgarians in Serbia" took place at the end of June in the town of Tsaribrod in Serbia. It was organised with the financial support of the Bulgarian Ministry of Education and..

02.07.24 14:11 |
Hristo Hristev

Assoc. Prof. Hristo Hristev: EP is not about numbers, but about being prepared and knowing how the EU institutions work

The European Parliament is the only body in the EU directly elected by its citizens. 6 138 050 Bulgarian voters have the right to elect 17 political representatives of Bulgaria in the new European Parliament for the next five years. Today's elections..

09.06.24 13:33 |

When was the Glagolitic alphabet created?

Is the Slavic alphabet Bulgarian? With the different interpretations of the historical facts taken out of the specific context, more and more often we can read that the brothers Cyril and Methodius from Thessaloniki..

24.05.24 05:15 |

The Bulgarian language brings together, in Athens, teachers and school children from the Bulgarian Sunday schools abroad

The celebrations of the 20 th anniversary of the Bulgarian Sunday school in Athens Saints Cyril and Methodius in Athens, Greece started with a dictation in the Bulgarian language and a calligraphy workshop. Bulgarian Sunday school Saints..

11.05.24 10:23 |