El partido Nueva Democracia adelanta a Syriza Si hoy se celebraran elecciones en Grecia, el partido de centroderecha Nueva Democracia las ganaría con un 28,% de los votos frente a un 1% para el partido gobernante de izquierdas, Syriza...
Un événement a suscité une vraie secousse dans l’actualité bulgare cette semaine, il s’agit de la décision du gouvernement de remplacer la candidature d’Irina Bokova, actuelle directrice générale de l’UNESCO et candidate à la succession de Ban Ki-moon,..
The event that has sent strong shockwaves across domestic politics was the nomination of a new Bulgarian candidate to run for the position of United Nations Secretary General. The nominee is the European Commissioner for Budget and Human Resources..
La presentación de una nueva candidatura búlgara a la Secretaría General de la ONU en la persona de Kristalina Gueorguíeva, comisaria europeo de Presupuesto y Recursos Humanos y vicepresidenta de la CE, causó un terremoto político interno esta..
Salı ve Çarşamba günleri yaşanan bir gelişme, Avrupa Birliği’nin ve Bulgaristan’ın da en acılı sorunu olan göç konusunun bazı boyutlarına açıklık getirdi. Sırbistan ve Macaristan başbakanları Aleksandar Vuçiç ve Victor Orban, ülkemizi ziyarette..
An event occurred on Tuesday and Wednesday that shed light on certain aspects of the most dire problem facing Europe and Bulgaria – migration. The prime ministers of Serbia and Hungary – Aleksander Vucic and Viktor Orban – paid a visit to this..
Il s’est produit cette semaine un évènement qui a mis en lumière des aspects douloureux de la crise migratoire qui secoue l’Union européenne en mal de trouver une solution adéquate au flot de migrants qui déferlent sur..
Serbia no respalda el referendo de los serbobosnios El presidente de Serbia Tomislav Nikolic y Aleksandar Vucic, primer ministro de ese país no apoyan el referendo planeado para la fiesta oficial de la bosnia República Srpska pero no..
There is no way to combat terrorism with a velvet glove. These are words of the Bulgarian Ministry of Interior Chief Secretary Georgi Kostov. He said that in connection with the meeting of the National Security Council at the Council of Ministers..
« Le gant de velours est très inapproprié pour combattre le terrorisme ». C’est en ces termes que le secrétaire général du ministère de l’Intérieur, Guéorgui Kostov est intervenu à la réunion du conseil de défense auprès du Conseil des..
A fifth boycott of large retail chains has been announced for today. The organizers also called on citizens to refrain from using banking..
Bulgaria's Constitutional Court has declared the election of 16 MPs in the current Bulgarian Parliament illegal . The decision was published on the..
Bulgaria has made a commitment to join the common European currency since the signing of the EU Accession Treaty. This was reminded by President Rumen..
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