After the fiery and not quite unprejudiced debates, after the adduction of convincing arguments and even more convincing rebuttals, after doses of populism and outbursts of professionalism that went to their head, and all this with trimmings –..
The autumn economic forecasts for Bulgaria of the Ministry of Finance, and a little later of the European Commission were released a few days ago. Neither forecast shows the slightest trace of optimism or of the enthusiasm of their spring editions..
Después de cuatro angustiantes meses de incertidumbre, especulaciones y supervisión especial por parte del Banco Nacional de Bulgaria al cerrado Banco Comercial Corporativo, por fin han sido anunciados los resultados de la auditoría de esta institución..
Casi 5000 euros es la riqueza financiera media del búlgaro, que incluye los ahorros bancarios, el dinero en efectivo, las cantidades depositadas en sociedades mutuas, de pensiones y de seguros, así como las inversiones directas en acciones hechas por..
In the first half of the year, exports of Bulgarian goods and services for third parties, i.e. for countries outside the European Union, dramatically decreased by as much as 12%. This may not sound particularly worrying, keeping in mind that..
It is not very clear whether the Bitcoin virtual currency is a real currency capable of replacing state money. Experts still argue about its future and there are strong suspicions that this is yet another bubble just like e-economy a few years..
Since the time of the big crisis in 1996-1997, the banking sector in Bulgaria has been on the ascent with assets and profits constantly increasing. Until the spring of this year, when one of the most notorious for its economic and political weight..
Over the first seven months of this year Bulgaria’s imports have exceeded exports by EUR 2.25 billion. That is the gap in the country’s trade balance and it is EUR 170 million wider than it was a year ago. Few countries in the world do not have a..
Analyses of the current conditions of the Bulgarian economy and forecasts for its development until the end of the year were published these days by several prestigious institutions - the National Statistical Institute, the Bulgarian Development Bank,..
Various charts of companies around the world are important as they provide information about the structure of the economy of a specific country and its place in the world. That is why two rankings published these days attracted the interest of..
El Patriarca búlgaro Daniel celebrará en Londres la primera liturgia de consagración del nuevo templo de la comunidad ortodoxa búlgara en la capital..
En vísperas de las celebraciones en memoria de Vasil Levski, el Apóstol de la Libertad, el presidente Rumen Radev ha bautizado oficialmente el aeropuerto..
Durante la última sesión del Parlamento Europeo, se presentaron los parámetros más importantes del presupuesto de la UE para los próximos siete años, un..