Podcast en español

author: Diana Tsankova

Kriniçnoe köyündeki Bulgar çocukların barış çağrısı

Dünya mı küçük yoksa  Çok fazla çocuk muyuz yoksa  Sadece insanlar nefret edebilir  Ve biribirimizden korunabiliriz  Renkte ve dinde kendimizi ayırırız…  Yetişkinler değil, çocuklar bilgedir. Sözlerine kulak verin, çocukların katılaşmış..

26.09.23 14:27 |
Foto: Centro búlgaro-ucraniano “Media”

Los niños de la comunidad búlgara del pueblo de Krinichnoe hacen un llamado a la paz

“Vamos a ciudar la paz como a una flor, amar en lugar de odiarnos”, cantan los niños del grupo "Karamelki" Acaso es pequeña la Tierra Acaso somos muchos los niños Sólo el humano es capaz de odiar A la..

25.09.23 14:19 |

Children of the Bulgarian community in the village of Krynychne are calling for peace

Has the Earth become too tiny Or the children too many P eople are the only ones able to hate And keep away from each other And separate by faith and color... Children are wiser than..

25.09.23 13:35 |

Yavor Hristov crea juguetes de construcción de impresión 3D utilizando tecnología moderna

Al perseguir un sueño, debes dejar de lado la carga de las expectativas y, simplemente, seguir las señales por el camino. Si pierdes el último rastro y te encuentras de pronto en un lugar desconocido, entonces mira con confianza hacia el nuevo horizonte..

18.09.23 17:00 |

Yavor Hristov, modern teknolojiyi kullanarak 3D yapı oyuncakları yaratıyor

Bir hayalinizin peşinden koşarken beklentilerin yükünden kurtulmalı ve sadece yoldaki işaretleri takip etmelisiniz. Yolunuzu kaybedip kendinizi bilinmeyen bir yerde bulduğunuzda, gözlerinizin önünde açılan yeni ufka güvenle bakmalısınız.  Yavor..

18.09.23 14:28 |

Yavor Hristov creates 3D printed constructor toys using modern technology

In chasing a dream, you often need to let go of the burden of expectations and just follow the signs you see on the way. And when you lose the last trace and find yourself in an unknown place, look confidently at the new horizon that spreads before..

18.09.23 13:52 |

La paz en las obras de los niños de las comunidades búlgaras en el extranjero

El 7 de agosto, en el Día de la Esperanza, los niños de las comunidades búlgaras en el extranjero recibieron un reconocimiento por su empatía hacia sus coetáneos a través del arte, bajo el lema "la paz no es algo dado, sino un valor por el que..

08.08.23 14:41 |

Peace as seen in the works of children from Bulgarian communities abroad

On the Day of Hope - August 7, children from the Bulgarian communities abroad received recognition for their empathy through art towards their peers where "Peace is not taken for granted, but is a value to fight for". It was under..

08.08.23 13:05 |

Petar Zhotev dreams of discovering a cancer drug and biotechnologies to combat climate change

Healing humans and saving the planet may well be a dream come true – especially when you are 19 and there is no limit to your hopes and aspirations. “Biology is fascinating because it enables us to peek inside a living cell, to see what goes..

05.07.23 14:38 |

"Magia Italiana" : la musique et les danses bulgares à Rimini

"Magia Italiana", un festival international des arts organisé par le centre d’art "Karnolsky", auquel prennent part des enfants et adolescents de 15 pays, se tient jusqu’au 7 juillet au parc d’attractions "Mirabilandia". Ce festival a été inauguré il..

03.07.23 14:10 |