Podcast en español

author: Diana Tsankova

Lika Yanko - God breathes behind the whiteness of her works

The greatest recognition for each person and artist is to be dispossessed and marginalized in the years of darkness. However, sooner or later time becomes judge and sets the ones, who were previously sent into oblivion, to pedestal in..

27.09.17 12:54 |
İskar barajı

“İskar” barajını kuran mahpus

Başkent Büyük Belediyesi arada sırada Sofya’yı en uzun zaman yöneten belediye başkanı İvan İvanov’un anıtının kurulması için yarışma düzenliyor. Vatan uğruna savaşlara katılmış olan ve geri kalmışlığın kucağında savrulan bir kenti medeniyete götüren bu..

24.09.17 09:15 |
The Iskar Dam (Sofia Mayor Ivan Ivanovin the small photo)

Ivan Ivanov built Iskar Dam from his prison cell after a sentence by the so-called People’s Court

From time to time the Municipality of Sofia launches a contest for a monument to Sofia’s longest serving mayor, Ivan Ivanov. However it has turned out that creating a token in memory of a foremost patriot who fought in wars for the Fatherland, and..

21.09.17 15:01 |
La represa

Iván Ivanov construye la presa “Iskar” desde su celda en el penal

Cada cierto tiempo el Ayuntamiento de Sofía convoca un concurso para la construcción de un monumento a Iván Ivanov, ex alcalde de la capital, líder en la duración de su gestión .Sin embargo, resulta que crear un sitio para rendir homenaje eterno a un..

21.09.17 13:37 |
Lac artificiel Iskar.

Le maire de Sofia Ivan Ivanov supervisait le projet de barrage Iskar à partir de sa cellule de prison

A plusieurs reprises la commune de Sofia organise des concours pour la construction d’un monument en hommage du maire Ivan Ivanov, ayant le plus longtemps dirigé la mairie de la capitale. Il s’avère toutefois que trouver un endroit qui permette..

20.09.17 15:12 |

Ogñán Minchev: La escuela reproduce métodos de épocas históricas precedentes

La escuela está en crisis debido a déficits en el financiamiento, el sistema de valores y la forja de confianza. Esta foto momentánea del estado de la educación en Bulgaria ha marcado el inicio del nuevo curso escolar, y la pregunta que se mantiene..

20.09.17 14:07 |

Ognian Mintchev : L’école applique des méthodes d’époques historiques révolues

L’école est en crise en raison de déficits liés au financement, au système des valeurs et à la confiance. C’est par cette brève description de l’état de l’éducation en Bulgarie qu’a été marqué le début de la nouvelle année scolaire. La question qui s’y..

19.09.17 10:21 |

School repeats teaching methods from previous historical epochs, Ognyan Minchev says

The Bulgarian school is in a crisis due to deficits, related to its funding, system of values and the building of trust. Yet another schoolyear starts with this snapshot of political scientist Ognyan Minchev, raising the everlasting question –..

18.09.17 12:25 |

Elizabeth Hristova–Lisa paints portraits in Van Gogh style for the first fully oil painted feature film

The paintings, life and words of the great Vincent van Gogh are a magnet for many, as well as his mysterious demise. Using the poetic language of love, 125 artists from various countries have conveyed the story of his death in their..

17.09.17 08:00 |

La dessinatrice Élisabeth Hristova raconte „La passion Van Gogh“

De par sa singularité, la peinture de Van Gogh a toujours fasciné, tout comme d'ailleurs la vie du grand artiste. Raconter la vie du peintre par ses propres images a été l’idée d’une production britannico-polonaise  qui a réuni 125 dessinateurs..

11.09.17 12:58 |