Bulgarian artist Petya Petrova has not lost touch with her country although she has been living for 17 years in the German town of Aachen. On the contrary, each year her love for her country and everything associated with Bulgaria becomes..
“Knowledge is wealth, whoever knows shall have success,” the people says and parents tend to repeat that all the time. No matter the long years of transition, this has remained a basic feature of the society. September 15, the first..
The pretty village of Dzhuliunitsa (Veliko Tarnovo district) is brimming with abundance in autumn. The village gardens are covered with fruit. Local gardeners contend that the most delicious peppers and tomatoes grow there. You only need to..
The price of success for one of the ‘golden girls’ of Bulgarian rhythmic gymnastics means a lot of work, training and gathering of precious experience through time. The success would be unthinkable without the power of love in the souls of the..
The town of Pomorie is situated some 20 km away from Burgas. Every Bulgarian has heard the song of Nedyalko Yordanov named A Family Memory of Pomorie and whoever has visited the place would love to return there. It simply has it all –..
The 15 th of August is Assumption Day, a feast particularly venerated across the Bulgarian lands, connected with the Mother of God – patroness of childbirth, of motherhood and the giving of life. In towns and villages where there is a church or a..
In the village of Staro Zhelezare near Plovdiv, life used to be no different to life in any other village in Bulgaria. People here would rise before daybreak to tend to the stock and take the cows and the sheep out to graze. Then the people who..
Cost of living in Bulgaria has been going up over the past months and the poverty of the majority of people has been boosting, a report of the Confederation of Independent Trade Unions in Bulgaria /CITUB/ shows. ‘Incomes and any possibilities..
Not far from Botevo village, 30 kilometers to the East of Dobrich and 35 to the North of Varna, in a locality where medicinal water flows from what is known as the Marina spring, rise the white walls of the St. Marina monastery. According to..
In 2014 the labour ministry decided to allocate some EUR 500 mln to the opening of new jobs and for providing better employment to people, aged up to 29. The funds under the Human Resources Development OP were expected to support the qualification and..
Bulgaria ha presentado una solicitud de un informe de convergencia extraordinario basándose en el entendimiento de que el país cumple los criterios para..
La insistencia en buscar una solución militar al conflicto de Ucrania es un error. Europa debe apoyar los esfuerzos de Estados Unidos para encontrar la..
En conformidad con los datos de Eurostat, Bulgaria cubre el último criterio para la eurozona: la estabilidad de los precios. Es lo que ha declarado a..