La escritora de origen franco-marroquí Leïla Slimani visitó la undécima edición del Festival Literario Internacional de Sofía. Es una de las más famosas escritoras y novelistas en Francia y en los países francófonos, portadora del premio Goncourt con..
Leïla Slimani, the French-Moroccan author was a guest at the 11 th edition of the Sofia International Literary Festival. She is one of the most famous writers and novelists in France and the French-speaking countries, winner of the Goncourt prize..
În Bulgaria există legi, instrumentele există, dar ele nu sunt puse în aplicare - aceasta este constatarea lui Bernard Vauthier, președintele Baroului din Paris. Uniunea Internațională a Barourilor cu Tradiție Juridică Comună (CIB), pe care acesta o..
In Bulgaria there are laws, the toolbox is there, but it is not being used, says Bernard Vatier, chairman of the Paris Bar. The International Bar Association Conference (CIB) he is chairman of initiated a conference in Sofia with a focus on fighting..
Professor Marie Vrinat-Nikolov is the only translator of Bulgarian literature whose native language is French. She teaches translation and Bulgarian language and literature at the National Institute of Oriental Languages and Civilizations in Paris..
20 Mart’ta Uluslararası Frankofoni Günü’nü kaydediyoruz. Bu tarihte Niger- Niamey’de daha sonraları Uluslararası Frankofoni Örgütü adını alan Kültür ve Teknik İşbirliği Ajansı kuruldu. 1993 yılında başlattığı üyeliğinden sonra Bulgaristan artık 30..
20 March is International Francophonie Day. On this day, the Agency for Cultural and Technical Cooperation was set up in Niamey, Niger, which later changed its name to International Organisation of La Francophonie, of which Bulgaria has been a member..
Il faut rester optimiste quant à l’unité européenne, considère Loïc Gard, professeur de droit public à l’Université de Bordeaux. En effet, depuis les années 50 du XXe siècle et les origines du projet européen, l’objectif était de réunifier la..
We should be optimistic about the unity of Europe, says Loïc Grard, Professor of public law at the University of Bordeaux in an interview with Radio Bulgaria. Prof. Grard was in Bulgaria to attend the conference on “European construction:..
On 9 March, within the frameworks of Francophonie month and the year in which Bulgaria marks 30 years since it became a member of the International Organisation of La Francophonie , the French Institute in this country, in partnership with the..
Hristo Stoichkov es el nuevo embajador de la Organización Mundial del Turismo adjunta a la ONU. Lo anterior ha quedado claro durante una reunión oficial..
En 2024 el salario medio bruto anual en Bulgaria era de 14.081 euros, según datos preliminares del Instituto Nacional de Estadísticas. En comparación con..
Aumentar la conectividad energética entre los países de la región reducirá los precios de la electricidad, aumentará la competitividad y la seguridad del..