The Vivapiano international competition for non-professional pianists brought together participants from Bulgaria, Switzerland, Romania, Macedonia and Turkey. This year the event took place with the support of Sofia municipality, the Bulgaria..
El concurso internacional para pianistas no profesionales reunió participantes de Bulgaria, Suiza, Rumanía, Macedonia y Turquía. Este año, el evento transcurrió con el apoyo del Ayuntamiento de Sofía, el Complejo concertístico “Bulgaria”,..
Durant ces quelques dernières années Guéorgui Kornazov a édité trois albums – « Force », « Horizons » concert pour quintette à Budapest et « Conscience ». Même s’il vit et travaille depuis 20 ans en France, l’illustre..
Ressam Rumen Raçev, Sofya doğumlu olup yolu dünyanın farklı ülkelerinden geçiyor, dünyayı geziyor ve uzun zaman Bulgaristan dışında yaşıyor. Bugün eserleri New York’taki Modern Sanat Müzesinde görülebilir. “Bu enerji daha çocukluğumda ortaya..
Neli Andreeva’s new album “The only one” will be presented tonight, at 7.30 at Sofia Live Club. Most of the songs in it were written by guitarist Nikolay Peev. Alongside the recording artists, the album also features the singers from the Philip..
In recent years Georgi Kornazov has released three albums: "Sila," “Georgui Kornazov ‘Horizons Quintet’ - The Budapest Concert" and "Suznanie," which is his latest album. Although he has been living and working in France for..
22 Nisan günü Bulgaristan Ulusal Radyosunun (BNR)Halk Müziği Topluluğu “Balkanların ritmi” başlığı altında bir konser verecek. Konser radyonun özel stüdyosunda düzenlenecek. 21 Nisan günü ise aynı konser Blagoevgrad “Nikola Vaptsarov” Darmatik Tiyatronun..
On 22 April the Bulgarian National Radio Folk Music Orchestra is giving a concert with the motto The Rhythms of the Balkans at the Radio's concert studio. Today the same program will be presented at the Nikola Vaptsarov Theater in Blagoevgrad...
En los últimos años, Gueorgui Kornazov a editado tres álbumes: “Sila” (Fuerza), GeorguiKornazov “Horizons” Quintet” – TheBudapestConcert” y el más reciente - “Suznanie” (Conciencia”). Pese a que vive y trabaja en Francia hace 20 años, el famoso del..
Alongside other tree species like oak, sycamore and pine, the walnut is one of the symbols of the World Tree. In traditional belief, in winter the Sun is in its roots, so it is cold. The walnut tree is also seen as the passage from..
3 martie 2025 a fost ziua în care concertul de la Ateneul Român din București a început cu un moment solemn reprezentat de intonarea imnurilor Bulgariei,..
Pe 3 martie 2025, de Ziua Națională a Bulgariei, Filarmonica din Sofia a susținut un concert extraordinar la Ateneul Român din București. Evenimentul..
Un pas înainte, doi pași înapoi. Acesta a fost din dansul relațiilor bulgaro-sârbe, potrivit lui Darko Anacikov, președintele singurei organizații bulgare..