15 October is International White Cane Day . It raises awareness of the challenges faced by blind and partially sighted people and, in particular, their successful integration into society. The white cane is recognised as a symbol of visual..
Chairski lakes are a protected area in the Western Rhodopes, known for their naturally formed landslide lakes. They are covered in a thick carpet of peat, surrounded by green meadows and centuries-old spruce forests. The lakes are located 19..
Cu două zboruri ale Airbus-ului guvernamental în două zile, statul bulgar a reușit să evacueze 169 de bulgari și familiile lor din Liban după escaladarea tensiunilor din această țară. ”Slavă Domnului că ne-am întors”, spune cu ușurare unul dintre..
With two flights of the government Airbus in two days, the Bulgarian state managed to evacuate 169 Bulgarians and their families from Lebanon after the escalation of tensions there. "Thank God we're back, " says one of the Bulgarians with..
The mellow days of autumn are the perfect time to take a stroll among the stores lining the Samovodska charshia in Veliko Tarnovo. The old crafts street and marketplace, now an ethnographic and architectural complex, dates back to the mid-19 th..
Cultural and linguistic diversity - this is what distinguishes the European Union, and the languages spoken in the community are an important part of Europe's cultural heritage. There are currently 24 official languages in the EU and each time a Member..
After the start of the school year – in Bulgaria it is always on 15 September – comes the start of the new academic year for university students, with most higher educational establishments in the country opening doors on 1 October. In that two-week..
The independence of Bulgaria was proclaimed on 22 September, 1908. After the most audacious independent act in Bulgarian history – the unification of Eastern Rumelia with the Principality of Bulgaria – Bulgarians once again demonstrated the power of..
Los hallazgos de las excavaciones arqueológicas del túmulo Kozareva Mogila, una población que data del V milenio a.C., causaron sensación en 2014, cuando fueron presentados por primera vez al público. Entre los exquisitos objetos hallados destacan..
En la base aérea de Uzundzhovo se encuentran estacionados el número récord de 600 "cazas", y la ocasión no es un conflicto militar, sino la celebración del Día de Haskovo. La mayor atracción programada con motivo del 8 de septiembre son los juegos de..
Astăzi, cea de-a 33-a expediție polară bulgară a părăsit portul Varna pentru Antarctica. Pentru al treilea an consecutiv, exploratorii polari bulgari vor..
Compania petrolieră rusă de stat Lukoil intenționează să vândă rafinăria sa bulgară Neftochim, cu sediul în Burgas, pe coasta Mării Negre. Aceasta este..
Politicienii bulgari au apelat la rețelele de socializare pentru a-l felicita pe Donald Trump pentru alegerea sa ca președinte al Statelor Unite...