Philanthropy and the vision for the progress of Bulgarian science and education define the development of higher education in the country. One of the greatest and most significant benefactors in Bulgaria's history was Evlogy Georgiev, a man with an..
In the midst of this year's student candidate campaign, the question what the most desired major at Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski” would be, sounds like a rhetorical one. In the past four years, the undisputed number one..
"My name is Andromahi Bardi (Andromaxh Mpardh). I am 22 years old, a former student of the Bulgarian Sunday School "Sts. Cyril and Methodius" in Athens and now also a teacher there. I live in Athens, I was born here, but my mother is from Bulgaria and it..
The town of Breznik, birthplace of the king of irony, Stoyan Milenkov , troubadour and satirist, is located in western Bulgaria and is the third largest town in the Pernik municipality. There were 3,762 people living there in March 2024, according to..
Actress Maria Bakalova caused a stir when she appeared at this year's Cannes Film Festival. The Bulgarian actress attended the premiere of her latest film, The Apprentice, which was hailed by the Western media as one of the most anticipated events..
"Once upon a time in Bologna they built a palace made of ice cream right in the Grand Piazza and children came from far and wide to have a taste" - with these words begins the story "The Palace of Ice Cream" from the book "Telephone Tales" by Gianni..
Art is often the universal language that unites us, bringing together the past, the present and the future in a moment of contemplation. Such is the art of Denitsa Todorova, who, after 20 years of living and working abroad and numerous solo exhibitions in..
"The evening went well. Just as it should be. It was Christmas Eve after all.... That day I was given an important role. Perhaps the most important of all: that of Santa Claus" - so begins the story "The Wish Santa Claus Could Not Fulfil" by the..
La treizeci și trei de ani de la căderea regimului socialist în Bulgaria, conștientizarea, regândirea și reconcilierea cu istoria noastră par să fie încă în curs de desfășurare. Moștenirea de atunci, pe care o regăsim și astăzi în lumea de azi, este..
Este greu de stabilit cu exactitate când apare o criză. O mică eroare în algoritm duce adesea la căderi de sistem. În ultimii ani, am învățat să trăim într-o criză politică, socială, ecologică, individuală sau de orice fel. Este ca și cum mesajul de..
Curtea Constituțională a Bulgariei a declarat ilegală alegerea a 16 deputați în actualul Parlament bulgar. Decizia a fost publicată pe site-ul..
Decizia Curții Constituționale privind rezultatele alegerilor generale din octombrie 2024 a fost comentată de diferite forțe parlamentare. Vicepremierul..
Cu ocazia celei de-a 25-a aniversări, stăpânii bunei dispoziții, DEEP ZONE Project, le oferă fanilor lor un nou remix modern Afro House al hitului lor..