Sega newspaper carries a front page headline that reads: “Bulgaria starts to take in refugees from Turkey,” under a government decision, made on Wednesday that has not been made public. The caretaker cabinet cites the agreement signed between the..
The number of refugees and migrants in Bulgaria decreased two-fold in the past six months, data of the State Agency for Refugees and Migration Directorate with the Bulgarian Ministry of Interior show, BGNES informs. Currently, the migrant..
The agreement between the EU and Turkey has not been working effectively in its most important part, which is the right of European countries to return third-country nationals to Turkey. At the backdrop of threats from Turkish President Recep Tayyip..
Bulgarian Interior Minister Plamen Uzunov has prepared a proposal to the government calling for inspection of the facilities at the Bulgarian-Turkish border, as well as the finances absorbed for their construction. This is what the minister said in an..
Caretaker PM Ognyan Gerdzhikov declared on Tuesday night the taking of additional security measures along the Bulgarian-Turkish border, as some influx of migrants is presumed over the next few days. Obviously the situation is very serious,..
Construction has begun of a fence around the transit refugee center in Pastrogor, Southeastern Bulgaria, the Bulgarian National Radio correspondent in Haskovo has reported. The project will cost 1.1 million euro, of it 90% in gratuitous aid from the..
Since the beginning of 2017, the total of 941 migrants have been seized at Bulgaria’s border with Serbia while trying to leave the country illegally and then continue their journey to Central and Western Europe, BGNES reports referring to Interior..
Between January 1 and February 2, 2017, the number of illegal migrants taken out of Bulgaria exceeded the number of those who entered the country, Bulgaria’s Ministry of Interior reported. A total of 230 illegally-residing migrants were taken out of..
The number of migrants seeking protection in Bulgaria in December 2016 decreased by one-half as compared to the previous month to 815 people, data of the State Agency for Refugees shows. People from seventeen countries, as well as stateless migrants..
Romania’s border police detained 48 Iraqi nationals onboard a TIR truck with Bulgarian registration plates. The truck was transporting Bulgarian chocolate items to Hungary. Police in the city of Giurgiu informed that there were 22 men, 9 women and 17..