The co-chairman of "Democratic Bulgaria" general Atanas Atanasov was slightly injured in a road accident near Ruse . The deputy was traveling in an official car of the parliament, and after the accident he was taken to the hospital in Byala for..
Subtitle: The ruling coalition destabilization is due to various factors, as early elections seem to be the likely way out of the crisis The crisis in the Bulgarian government, which erupted after the coming out of power of one of the..
The names of the agents from the communist-era State Security will be disclosed every time they apply for any public office. This decision was voted by the National Assembly which approved amendments to the law on access and disclosure of..
The question of rendering Ukraine military assistance was not put to discussion at the coalition defence council, convened by the formations from the ruling coalition. “We had a conversation regarding the overall organization of the Ministry of..
Democratic Bulgaria, which is part of the ruling coalition in the country, is beginning consultations on reaching agreement for rendering Ukraine military technical assistance, depending on what its needs and capabilities are , Democratic Bulgaria..
Access to culture, high-standard intercultural exchange and making use of the rich cultural heritage – these are the top priorities presented to the media by Minister of Culture Atanas Atanasov and his team , BGNES reports. Minister Atanasov..
“There is no room for improvisation on the subject of North Macedonia,” Kristian Vigenin, National Assembly Vice President from the Bulgarian Socialist Party and ex-foreign minister wrote on Facebook, commenting on the position expressed by Slavi..
Common ground on some major political issues and courses of action – that is the briefest description of the consultations ITN (There Is Such a People) held over the weekend with all parties represented in parliament, with the exception of..
“Three units of the special services have been engaged in misuse of special investigation techniques for political purposes, for control and surveillance of politicians,” retired General Atanas Atanasov, co-chair of Democratic Bulgaria party stated..
Dimitar Georgiev, head of the State Agency for National Security and Atanas Atanasov, head of the State Intelligence Agency have terminated their leave of absence , BGNES reports. As the caretaker cabinet was appointed the two took unpaid leave..