As two wars rage and migrant flows increase, the human race seems to face another major challenge – what can be done to protect the rights and ensure a life of dignity for the people living on the verge of poverty. In Bulgaria, where the minimum..
Bulgaria has the third highest share of children at risk of poverty in the EU, whose access to basic needs such as food, water, shelter, education and health care is at risk. Nearly 1/3 of children cannot afford a holiday outside the..
The relative share of the poor population in Bulgaria is growing. In 2022, the poverty rate in the country stood at 22.9%, or 1 million 572,000 people, reads the government-approved report on the implementation of the National Strategy for Poverty..
The first visit of a Serbian head of state to Bosilegrad and the region in 97 years, with which President Aleksandar Vucic launched his ambitious programme to solve the country's problems, became the occasion for the detention of two citizens of..
The average Bulgarian has not become poorer in 2022, Vasil Velev, Chairman of the Industrial Capital Association in Bulgaria, told BNR, quoting statistics. He explained that for some workers there is a higher wage growth, while for others the statistics..
Compared to other European countries, inflation rates are too high. Speaking to journalists, Vice President Iliana Iotova, who participated in a conference entitled "Medical Error and Rules of Good Medical and Clinical Practice", stressed that that it..
"I expect that the parties will focus on the real problems of Bulgarians such as poverty, rising prices and the state budget”, Bulgaria’s President Rumen Radev said several days before the inaugural sitting of the new parliament . “It is humiliating..
77% of Bulgarians want the new parliament and government to ensure affordable gas, electricity and fuel prices after the elections. 75% expect measures against impoverishment, the results of a survey by the Trend research center..
According to the latest Eurostat data for 2020, published today, 80% of Bulgarians of working age up to 65 living in households with low economic activity are at risk of poverty. According to this indicator, the country ranks fourth among the..
Bulgaria and Romania are the two countries of the European union with the highest share of people at risk of poverty and social exclusion, according to Eurostat data. More than one-quarter of their population – alongside Greece and Spain – are at..