The 23rd "Golden Rhyton" Documentary and Animation Film Festival starts in Plovdiv this evening with Oscar-nominated film "Blind Vaysha" by Theodor Ushev and the premiere of a documentary about Bulgarian actor Stefan Danailov. The festival continues..
The Municipality of Plovdiv plans to buy back the Roman Forum of Philippopolis at a price almost four times higher than the one it got when it sold it in 2003. The local government has voted to pay 4.3 million leva (2.15 million euro) for the..
Bulgaria has presented the Episcopal Basilica of Philippopolis and the Antiquity mosaics of Plovdiv to a large audience from different countries at the UNESCO head offices in Paris. With its 2000 square meters of Antiquity mosaics dated to..
In the presence of Emma Hopkins, the British Ambassador to Bulgaria, a ceremony was held in the Central Cemetery in memory of 56 British soldiers buried there during the First World War. In front of their memorial plaques poppies were placed. This is..
The latest edition of the Technical Fair in Bulgaria’s Plovdiv will be held in the period September 25-30. More than 600 exhibitors from nearly 40 countries take part in the fair, as some of the participants present sensational inventions turned..
Bulgaria’s second-largest city Plovdiv hosts between September 8 and 10 the 12 th Balkan Congress of Human Genetics and Genomics. The 8th National Conference for Rare Diseases and Orphan Drugs is held simultaneously in that Bulgarian city. Over 350..
The Italian travel blog , which is in the Top 100 of travel blogs in the world, is inviting tourists to go and visit Plovdiv in Bulgaria, Plovdiv municipality has announced. At the invitation of the town council, the..
Bulgarian Deputy Prime Minister Valeri Simeonov will be following closely the execution of measures aimed at calming tensions in the Romani neighborhood of Sheker Mahala in the city of Plovdiv this evening, authorities reported. The visit to Plovdiv..
Plovdiv is top of the list of Bulgarian towns in the number of road accidents with casualties per capita of the population, Smolyan is bottom of the list, indicates an analysis for 2016 by the Union of Bulgarian Motorists. 1,049 major traffic..
A European tactical flight training exercise 2017-1 is taking place at Plovdiv airport until 6 April with the participation of Belgium, Bulgaria, Italy, the Netherlands and the Czech Republic. The commandos will perform daytime training parachute..