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Sofia Pride 2023

Sofia Pride takes place today for the 17th time, march for the family organized on same day

The 17 th edition of Sofia Pride is scheduled for today in Bulgaria’s capital city. The organizers describe it as “the biggest human rights event in Bulgaria”.  This year’s motto is “Bulgaria is our home too”.  Eight successful..

22.06.24 09:58 |
Sofia Pride 2023

Participanții la Sofia Pride insistă asupra sprijinului legat de familie

Cea de-a 16-a ediție a Sofia Pride în sprijinul drepturilor comunității LGBT, a avut loc azi la Sofia. Evenimentul a început cu un concert în fața monumentului Armatei Sovietice și a continuat cu o procesiune pe străzile centrale ale Sofiei...

17.06.23 20:30 |

Sofia Pride marchers call for family support

The 16th edition of Sofia Pride parade  took place in Sofia in support of the rights of the LGBTI community.  It started with a concert in front of the Soviet Army Monument and continued with a march through the central streets of Sofia...

17.06.23 20:05 |

Οι συμμετέχοντες στο Sofia Pride ζητούν οικογενειακή υποστήριξη

Η 16η έκδοση του Sofia Pride πραγματοποιήθηκε στη Σόφια, για την υποστήριξη των δικαιωμάτων της LGBTI κοινότητας. Ξεκίνησε με μια συναυλία μπροστά από το μνημείο του Σοβιετικού Στρατού και συνεχίστηκε με πορεία στους κεντρικούς δρόμους της Σόφιας. Οι..

17.06.23 20:05 |

March for Family Values to counter Sofia Pride

A March for the Family "in defence of traditional family values" was held in the centre of Sofia. Hundreds of Bulgarians responded to the call to demonstrate, despite the rainy weather, supporting the thesis that "daddy is a man and mommy is a woman"...

17.06.23 16:43 |

Η Ιερά Σύνοδος αντιτάχθηκε στο «Sofia Pride»

Στην ιστοσελίδα του Βουλγαρικού Πατριαρχείου, η Ιερά Σύνοδος της Βουλγαρικής Ορθόδοξης Εκκλησίας εξέφρασε την κατηγορηματική αποδοκιμασία και διαφωνία της και αντιτάχθηκε στη διοργάνωση και διεξαγωγή του «Sofia Pride» στις 17 Ιουνίου στη Σόφια. Η..

17.06.23 11:52 |
The French Institute in Sofia joined the Sofia Pride this year by displaying the rainbow flag

Sofia Pride and two marches in support of the traditional family take place in Sofia

The 15 th edition of Sofia Pride took place in Sofia. This year’s initiative in support of human rights in Bulgaria is under the motto “Proud to Be”. Some of the money raised today will go to support Kyiv Pride. Two other initiatives..

18.06.22 17:52 |

Първото куиър stand-up комеди шоу с кауза - "Смей се с GLAS"

На 13 юни на сцената на столичен клуб от 18:00 ч. с личните си истории ще излязат четирима познати и много интересни личности, за да създадат нова история в Българския стендъп. „Куир stand-up comedy е класически световен стендъп формат, но темите..

08.06.22 15:35 | Театър

“Sofia Pride” gösterisinden “Kiev Pride” topluluğuna destek

18 Haziran’da “Var olmanın gururu” adı altında 15. defa olmak üzere Başkentte “ Sofia Pride ” gösterisi ve   LGBTİ toplumuna destek konseri düzenlenecek. Etkinlikten elde edilecek kaynakların bir kısmı “Kiev Pride” topluluğuna..

31.05.22 19:19 |

"Sofia Pride" fera un don à la "Kyiv Pride"

"Soyons fiers": c'est la devise de la 15ème édition de la marche des fiertés LGBT "Sofia Pride" qui se tiendra le 18 juin. Une partie des bénéfices sera offerte à la "Kyiv Pride". Un Centre d'information où chacun pourra se renseigner sur les événements..

31.05.22 17:08 |
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